Fy lloches glŷd a'm tarian gref

1,(2),3,4,5,6a;  1,2,6b.
(Salm XXXII - Gair Duw yn lloches a tharian)
Fy lloches glŷd, a'm tarian gref,
  Yw'r Arglwydd nef a'i gysgod;
Gobeithiaf yn Ei air er neb,
  Yn ngwyneb pob rhyw drallod.

Mae'n gysgod rhag y gwynt a'r gwres,
  Mae'n lloches rhag y gelyn;
Gobeithiaf yn dy air o hyd,
  Yn nghanol byd o ddychryn.

Dy air sy'n dwyn rhyw newydd da
  A lawenhâ y galon,
Fod nerth tragwyddol oddi fry
  I sathru y gelynion.

Fod Brawd a Chyfaill wedi Ei gael
  I'r tlawd a'r gwael,
      na chilia;
Yn nyfnder profedigaeth gref
  Efe a gydymdeimla.

Fod modd i'r euog
    gael rhyddhâd,
  A gwir iachâd i'r clwyfus;
Trwy nerth Ei air,
    fe rodia'n llon
  Y cloffion a'r anafus.

Gobeithia f'enaid yn Ei air
  Efe a bair orfoledd;
Pob loes a galar,
    tristwch, try
  Yn ganu yn y diwedd.

[Ymguddiaf dan ei
     nodded mwy
   A chaf tra b'wy' orfoledd;
 Pob chwerw loes a
     galar try
   Yn ganu yn y diwedd.]
yn dy air :: yn ei air

Richard Jones ?1771-1833

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Caersalem (<1869)
Gwilym (Tom Price 1857-1925)
Morganwg (Joseph Klug c. 1500-52)
Paradwys (Rees Williams 1846-1934)

(Psalm 32 - God's Word as refuge and shield)
My secure refuge, and my strong shield,
  Is the Lord of heaven with his shadow;
I will hope in his word despite anyone,
  In the face of every kind of trouble.

It is a shade from the wind and the heat,
  It is a refuge from the enemy;
I will hope in thy word always,
  In the midst of a world of terror.

'Tis thy word tha brings some good news
  To cheer the heart,
That there is eternal strength from above
  To trample the enemies.

That a Brother and Friend is got
  For the poor and the base,
      who will not retreat;
In the depth of strong trial
  'Tis he will sympathise.

That there is a way for the guilty
    to get freedom,
  And true healing for the wounded;
Through the strength of his word,
    the lame and the maimed
  Shall walk cheerfully.

My soul shall hope in his word
  It will cause rejoicing;
Every anguish and lamentation,
    sadness, shall turn
  To singing in the end.

[I shall hide myself under his
     protection evermore
   And I shall get to rejoice while I live;
 Every bitter anguish and
     lamentation shall turn
   To singing in the end.]
in thy word :: in his word

tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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