Fy Mugail fy niwallu wna

(Arweinydd Dwyfol)
Fy Mugail fy niwallu wna,
  Jehofa yw ei enw;
Mewn porfa fras ymborthi caf
  Ar lan dw'r araf gloyw.

Pan âf o'i ddiogel ffyrdd fel ffol,
  Fe ddwg yn ol fy ysbryd;
Ac arwain fi, o'i gariad pur,
  I lwybrau tîr y bywyd.

Pan rodiwyf gysgod angeu du,
  I fynu deil fy ngobaith;
Un gair o'i enau wna'm cryfhau,
  A gyr fy ofnau ymaith.
cyf. Casgliad Samuel Roberts 1841

Tôn [MS 8787]:
French (The CL Psalmes of David 1615)

- - - - -

("Ni bydd eisiau arnaf.")

Fy Mugail fy niwallu wna,
  Fy rhan, Jehofa yw;
Mewn porfa fras ymborthi ca'
  Wrth ffrydiau dyfroedd byw.

Dwg f'enaid crwydrus yn ei gôl
  Yn ol i'w gorlan wiw;
Er mwyn ei enw mawr dilys,
  Fe'm tywys tra f'wyf byw.

Doed arlwyadau hael fy Nuw,
  Tra byddwyf byw, i'm rhan:
O am gartrefu yn dy dŷ,
  A'th foli yn mhob man!

Haelioni'th ras a'th gariad pur
  Rydd gysur dan bob loes;
A ffiol lawn gaf yn ddiau,
  Tra pery dyddiau f'oes.

Pan rodiwyf ddyffryn angeu dû,
  Ti ddeli mhen i'r lan;
Un gair o'i enau chwâl yn glau,
  Holl ofnau f'enaid gwan.

cyf. Hymnau (Wesleyaidd) 1844

Tôn [MC 8686]: St James (R Courteville 1670-1739)

(A Divine Guide)
My Shepherd does satisfy me,
  Jehovah is his name;
In rich pasture I get to feed
  On the bank of slow, clear water.

When I go from his safe ways like a fool,
  He brings back my spirit;
And leads me, of his pure love,
  To the paths of the land of life.

When I walk the shadow of black death,
  He holds up my hope;
One word from his mouth will make me strong,
  And drive my fears away.


- - - - -

("I shall have no need.")

My Shepherd does satisfy me,
  My portion Jehovah is;
In rich pasture I get to feed
  By streams of living water.

He carries my wandering soul in his bosom
  Back to his worthy fold;
For the sake of his great, sincere name,
  He leads me while ever I live.

Let my God's generous provisions come,
  While ever I live, for my part:
Oh, to make my home in thy house,
  And to praise thee in every place!

The generosity of thy grace and thy pure love
  Will give comfort under every anguish;
And a full cup I will doubtless get,
  While ever the days of my life continue.

When I walk the vale of black death,
  Thou wilt hold my head up;
One word from thy mouth shall shatter quickly,
  All the fears of my weak soul.

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
(1) My Shepherd will supply my need,
  Jehovah is his name;
In pastures fresh he makes me feed,
  Beside the living stream.

(2) He brings my wandering spirit back,
  When I forsake his ways;
And leads me, for his mercy's sake,
  In paths of truth and grace.

(3) When I walk through the shades of death,
  Thy presence is my stay:
A word of thy supporting breath
  Drives all my fears away.


- - - - -


(1) My Shepherd will supply my need,
  Jehovah is his name;
In pastures fresh he makes me feed,
  Beside the living stream.

(2) He brings my wandering spirit back,
  When I forsake his ways;
And leads me, for his mercy's sake,
  In paths of truth and grace.

(5) The sure provisions of my God
  Attend me all my days:
O may thine house be mine abode,
  And all my work be praise!

(4) Thy hand, in sight of all my foes
  Doth now my table spread:
My cup with blessings overflows,
  Thine oil anoints my head.

(3) When I walk through the shades of death,
  Thy presence is my stay:
A word of thy supporting breath
  Drives all my fears away.

(6) There would I find a settled rest,
While others go and come;
No more a stranger, nor a guest,
But like a child at home.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
The Psalms of David 1719

Tunes [DCM 8686D]:
Audite Audientes Me (1875 Arthur S Sullivan 1842-1900)
Monora (1863 William B Bradbury 1816-68)

Tune [CM 8686]: Medfield (1832 William Mather)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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