Fy myfyrdodau'n felus sy

(Myfyrdod ar ogoniant y nefoedd)
Fy myfyrdodau'n felus sy
Wrth gofi'r dorf
    sy'n moli fry;
  Pob un yn ddisglaer yn ei le
  'N rhagori ar sêr
      yn entrych ne'.

Fel y rhagora'r perlau drud
Ar laid a sorod sy yn y byd;
  Mil mwy rhagoriaeth
      sy'n eu gwedd
  Na phan yn byw tu yma i'r bedd.

Yr haul g'wilyddia maes o law
Wrth wel'd y rhai'n y dydd a ddaw;
  Ymguddia'r lloer,
      ni 'mddengys mwy,
  Gan lewyrch eu disgleirdeb hwy.

Mae yno heddyw rai yn iach
R'odd ffàrwel in' dros ronyn bach;
  Yn ddistaw iawn diangasant hwy
  I'r Sabbath fry sy
      heb ddiwedd mwy.

Gwaredwyd hwy
    o'r cystudd mawr,
Eu gofid oll a ddarfu'n awr;
  Maent heddyw'n canu -
      canant byth,
  Heb sŵn pechadur yn eu plith.
Gwaredwyd hwy :: Aethant i maes

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
    Boston (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
    Eden (L Mason / T B Mason)
    Ernan (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
    Sarum (<1869)

(Meditation on the glory of heaven)
My meditations are sweet
While remembering the throng
    who are praising above;
  Every one shining in his place
  Outdoing the stars
      in the vault of heaven.

As the costly pearls outdo
The mire and dross which is in the world;
  A thousand times more excellence
      is in their appearance
  Than when living this side of the grave.

The sun will be ashamed soon
On seeing them on the coming day;
  The moon will hide,
      it will show itself no more,
  By the gleam of their radiance.

There are there today some healthy
Who bade farewell to us for a little while;
  Very quietly they escaped
  To the Sabbath above which is
      without any more end.

They were delivered
    from the great tribulation,
All their grief shall vanish now;
  They are today singing -
      they shall sing forever,
  Without the sound of a sinner among them.
They were delivered :: They went out

tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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