Fy nghalon deffro 'nhafod c'od

Awake my heart arise my tongue

(Gwisgad Ysprydol;
sef Wisg o Gyfiawnder Crist
a Gwisgoedd Iechydwriath. Esay lxi. 10.)
Fy nghalon deffro, 'nhafod c'od,
Par'to dy lais i ganu clod;
  Mi lawenychaf yn fy Nuw,
  Bywyd fy holl lawenydd yw.

Ef addurnodd f'enaid noeth,
A gwisgoedd iechydwriaeth goeth;
  Ar bryfyn tlawd llygredig cās
  Y parodd ef ddisglerio'i rās.

A rhag i un brycheuyn du
Gael aros ar fy enaid cu,
  Y wisg o waith
      fy Mhrynwr drud
  Fe daflodd hon o'm cylch i gyd.

Rhagori mae'th wisg nefol ddrud
Ar wisgoedd tywysogion byd!
  Mor ddisglair yw'r trwsiadau hyn!
  Dy wisgad sy'n rhyfeddol wyn!

Yr Yspryd Glān sy'n gweithio o'th fewn
Dy Ffydd a'th Gariad a phob dawn;
  Ond Iesu dreuliei'i
      oes trwy gur
  I weithio'r wisg, cyfiawnder pur.

Fy enaid, rhyfedd wisgwyd di
Gan y goruchel sanctaidd Dri:
  Rho'th holl bwerau yn gyttun,
  I beraidd foli'r Tri yn Un.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

Tōn [MH 8888]: Lewton (<1811)

(Spiritual Clothing;
that is, the garment of Christ's Righteousness,
and the Garments of Salvation, Isaiah 61:10.)
My heart, awake, my tongue arise,
Cause thy voice to sing praise;
  I will rejoice in my God,
  The life of all joy he is.

He adorned my naked soul,
With the garments of fine salvation;
  On a poor, corrupt, detestable worm,
  He caused his grace to shine.

And lest one black spot
Get to stay on my dear soul,
  The garment of the work
      of my precious Redeemer
  He flung this all around me.

Exceeding is thy precious, heavenly garment
The garments of the world's princes!
  How radiant are these adornments!
  Thy clothing is amazingly white!

The Holy Spirit is working within
Thy Faith and thy Love and every gift;
  But Jesus would spend his
      lifespan through pain
  To work the garment, pure righteousness.

My soul, wonderfully thou wast clothed
By the most high holy Three:
  Give all thy powers in agreement,
  Sweetly to praise the Three in One.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
(Spiritual apparel;
namely, the robe of righteousness,
and garments of salvation, Isa. 61. 10.)
Awake, my heart, arise, my tongue,
  Prepare a tuneful voice,
In God the life of all my joys,
  Aloud will I rejoice.

'Tis he adorn'd my naked soul,
  And made salvation mine,
Upon a poor polluted worm
  He makes his graces shine.

And lest the shadow of a spot
  Should on my soul be found,
He took the robe
      the Saviour wrought,
  And cast it all around.

How far the heavenly robe exceeds
  What earthly princes wear!
These ornaments, how bright they shine!
  How white the garments are!

The Spirit wrought my faith and love,
  And hope, and every grace;
But Jesus spent his
    life to work
  The robe of righteousness.

Strangely, my soul, art thou array'd
  By the great sacred Three:
In sweetest harmony of praise
  Let all thy powers agree.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707

Tune [CM 8686]: Morrison (Michael Lonneke 1943-)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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