Fy nghalon cān mewn hwyl yn awr

(Bri yr Eneiniog)
Fy nghalon, cân mewn hwyl yn awr
Ogoniant maith fy Mhrynwr mawr,
  Crist Iesu'r Arglwydd, Brenin nef:
  Mor hawddgar yw ei degwch Ef!

Ei Dduw dywalltodd lawr o'r nen
Olew gorfoledd ar ei ben;
  Bendithiodd ef ā'i Ysbryd gwiw,
  Ei gyn-Fab uwch
      holl feibion Duw.

Ar bob daioni dan y rhod
Ei oruwch ras sy'n dwyn y clod;
  Rhed cariad o'i wefusau'n llif,
  Bendithion rhyfedd yn ddirif.

O Arglwydd, gwisg holl
    arfau'th rym,
O'th gylch gwregysa'th gleddyf llym;
  Mewn mawredd marchog, ac mewn bri,
  Gwir ac addfwynder gyda thi.

Byth saif dy orsedd,
    Arglwydd gwiw;
Gras yn dy law,'th deyrnwialen yw;
  A chyfiawn yw dy ddeddfau i gyd,
  Fel Llywydd nef
      a llawr yn nghyd.
1,2,5: Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau (Stephen & Jones) 1868
  3,4 : Hymnau (Wesleyaidd) 1876

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Gotha (Kophl's Gesangbuch 1587)
Hursley (Katholisches Gesangbuch c.1774)

(The Honour of the Anointed)
My heart, sing with joy now
The extensive glory of my great Redeemer,
  Christ Jesus the Lord, King of heaven;
  How beautiful is His fairness!

His God poured down from heaven
The oil of gladness upon his head;
  He blessed him with his worthy Spirit,
  His first-born Son
      above all the sons of God.

Over every goodness under the sky
His superior grace leads the praise;
  Love runs from his lips as a flood,
  Wonderful blessings without number.

O Lord, don all the
    weapons of thy strength,
Around thee gird thy sharp sword;
  In greatness ride on, and in honour,
  Truth and meekness with thee.

Thy throne is established forever,
    worthy Lord;
Grace in thy hand, thy sceptre is;
  And righteous are all thy laws,
  As Governor of heaven
      and earth altogether.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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