Fy Nghrewr mawr moliannaf Ef

I'll praise my maker while I've breath

("Molaf Ef.")
Fy Nuw â'm genau molaf ef;
A phan yn angau collwy'm llef,
  Gaf allu gwell
      at hyn o waith:
Ni dderfydd byth im' gânu ei glod,
Tra fyddo bywyd i'm na bôd,
  Neu'n para drag'wyddoldeb maith.

Gwyn fyd y dyn mae'i hyder ef
Ar Dduw yr Israel, wnaeth y nef,
  A'r ddae'r, y moroedd,
      a'u holl lu:
Mae'n achub gorthrymedig rai,
A'r tylodion, eu diwallu mae,
  Ac yn cyflawnai'r gair a ry'.

Duw sy'n rhoi llygaid pur i'r dall,
Dal fynu'r meddwl gwan rhag gwall;
  Cydwybod flin, fe'i hesmwythâ:
Rhydd help i'r
    dieithr-ddyn wrth raid,
I'r weddw a'r amddifad blaid,
  A'r caeth o'i
      garchar a rhyddhâ.

Edwyn ei saint, fe'i câr yn gu,
Ond dynion drwg i uffern dry;
  Byth, Sïon, y teyrnasa'th Dduw:
Boed i bob oedran a phob iaith,
Ymrwymo'n hyn o uchel waith
  Byth molwch ef,
      cany's teilwng yw.

Tra rhoddo i'm anadlu,
    molaf ef;
A phan yn angau collwy'm llef,
  Caf allu gwell
      at hyn o waith:
Ni dderfydd byth im' ganu ei glôd,
Tra fyddo bywyd i'm, na bôd,
  Neu'n para drag'wyddoldeb maith.
cyf. Casgliad o Bum Cant o Hymnau (D Jones) 1810
              - - - - -

Fy Nghrewr mawr, moliannaf Ef,
A phan yn angau collwy'm llef,
  Caf allu gwell
      at hyn o waith:
Ni dderfydd byth im' ganu'i glod
Tra fyddo bywyd im' na bôd,
  Neu'n para dragwyddoldeb maith.

Gwyn fyd y dyn mae'i hyder ef
Ar Dduw yr Israel, wnaeth y nef,
  Y ddae'r, y moroedd,
      a'u holl lu:
Gwareda'r gorthrymedig rai,
Rhydd i'r tylodion wledd ddidrai,
  Cyflawna'i addewidion cu.

I'r dall rhydd olwg yn ddiau,
A nerthu'r meddwl gwan y mae;
  Y flin gydwybod esmwythâ:
Rhydd nawdd i'r
   estron ddyn wrth raid,
I'r weddw a'r amddifad blaid,
  A'r caeth o'i garchar
      a rhyddha.

Tra caf anadlu, molaf Ef,
A phan yn angau collwy'm llef,
  Caf allu gwell
      at hyn o waith:
Ni dderfydd byth im' ganu'i glod,
Tra fyddo bywyd im', na bôd,
  Neu'n para dragwyddoldeb maith.
cyf. Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [88.8.D]: Gresford (<1876)

gwelir: Cyfoded Duw'n ei allu cry'

("I will praise Him!")
My God, with my mouth I will praise him,
And when in death I lose my cry,
  I will get to be better
      able for this work:
Never stop shall my singing his acclaim,
While ever there be life to me or being,
  Or a vast eternity endures.

Blessed is the man whose confidence is
In the God of Israel, who made heaven,
  And the earth the seas,
      and all their host:
He saves oppressed ones,
And the poor, satisfying them he is,
  And fulfilling the word with force.

God is giving pure eyes to the blind,
Holding up the weak mind against a fault;
  A grieved conscience, he will ease it:
He will give help to the
    stranger in need,
To the widow and the orphan protection,
  And the captive from his
      prison he will free.

He knows his saints, he loves them dearly
But evil men to hell he turns;
  Forever, Zion, thy God shall reign:
Let every age and every language,
Devote themselves to this high work
  Forever praise ye him,
      since worthy is he.

While he gives me breath,
    I will praise Him,
And when in death I lose my cry:
  I will get to be better
      able for this work:
Never stop shall my singing his acclaim,
While ever there be life to me or being,
  Or a vast eternity endures.
cyf. Casgliad o Bum Cant o Hymnau (D Jones) 1810
              - - - - -

My great Creator, I will praise Him,
And when in death I lose my cry,
  I will get to be better
      able for this work:
Never stop shall my singing his acclaim
While ever there be life to me or being,
  Or a vast eternity endures.

Blessed is the man whose confidence is
In the God of Israel, who made heaven,
  The earth, the seas,
      and all their host:
He delivers the oppressed ones,
Gives to the poor an unebbing feast,
  Fulfills his dear promises.

To the blind he gives sight undoubtedly,
And strengthening the weak thought he is;
  The exhausted conscience he soothes:
He gives protection 
    to the stranger in need,
And widow and the orphan security,
  And the captive from the prison
      he will free.

While I can breathe, I will praise Him,
And when in death I lose my cry,
  I will get to be better
      able for this work:
Never stop shall my singing his acclaim
While ever there be life to me or being,
  Or a vast eternity endures.
tr. 2016,17 Richard B Gillion
("I will sing praise as long as I live.")
I'll praise my maker while I've breath,
And when my voice is lost in death,
  Praise shall employ
      my nobler powers;
My days of praise shall ne'er be past,
While life, and thought, and being last,
  Or immortality endures.

Happy the man whose hopes rely
On Israel's God: He made the sky,
  And earth, and seas,
      with all their train:
His truth for ever stands secure;
He saves th'oppressed, He feeds the poor,
  And none shall find His promise vain.

The Lord has eyes to give the blind;
The Lord supports the sinking mind;
  He sends the labouring conscience peace;
He helps the
    stranger in distress,
The widow, and the fatherless,
  And grants the prisoner
      sweet release.

He loves His saints, He knows them well,
But turns the wicked down to hell;
  Thy God, O Zion! ever reigns:
Let every tongue, let every age,
In this exalted work engage;
  Praise Him in
      everlasting strains.

I'll praise Him while
    He lends me breath,
And when my voice is lost in death,
  Praise shall employ
      my nobler powers;
My days of praise shall ne'er be past,
While life, and thought, and being last,
  Or immortality endures.
              - - - - -

I'll praise my maker while I've breath,
And when my voice is lost in death,
  Praise shall employ
      my nobler powers;
My days of praise shall ne'er be past,
While life, and thought, and being last,
  Or immortality endures.

Happy the man whose hopes rely
On Israel's God: He made the sky,
  And earth, and seas,
      with all their train:
His truth for ever stands secure;
He saves th'oppressed, He feeds the poor,
  And none shall find His promise vain.

The Lord has eyes to give the blind;
The Lord supports the sinking mind;
  He sends the labouring conscience peace;
He helps the
    stranger in distress,
The widow, and the fatherless,
  And grants the prisoner
      sweet release.

I'll praise Him while He lends me breath,
And when my voice is lost in death,
  Praise shall employ
      my nobler powers;
My days of praise shall ne'er be past,
While life, and thought, and being last,
  Or immortality endures.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
The Psalms of David, 1719.

Tunes [88.8.D]:
    Monmouth (Gabriel Davis 1760-1822)
    Old 113th (Matthäus Greiter 1500-50)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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