Fy ngrasol nefol Iôr

(Pechadur wrth borth trugaredd)
Fy ngrasol, nefol Iôr!
  Gwel yma wrth dy draed,
Yn ofni dyfod at dy ddôr,
  Yr adyn duaf gaed.

[Hawdd gallaf ofni d'od
   I'th wyddfod, O fy Nuw;
 Mor amal pechais îs y rhod
   Yn erbyn d'enw gwiw!]

Er hyn, anturio'r wy'
  Drwy farwol glwy' yn mlaen,
I'r fan lle llwyddodd
    myrdd, a mwy,
  Ger bron dy orsedd lân.

Duw cariad ydwyt Ti!
  Griddfanau f'enaid clyw;
Dwg fi o rwymau'r gelyn du,
  I wel'd dy wedd, a byw.
Cyf. 1,3-4 Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau (Stephen a Jones) 1868
2 : Hymnau (Wesleyaidd) 1876

Tonau [MB 6686]:
    Aylesbury (Salmydd Chetham 1718)
    Dole (John T Rees 1857-1949)
    St Bride (Samuel Howard 1710-82)
    Southwell (Salmydd Daman 1579)

(A sinner at mercy's gate)
My gracious, heavenly Lord!
  See here at thy feet,
Fearing to come to thy door,
  The blackest wretch to be had.

[Easily I can fear to come
   To thy presence, O my God;
 How often have I sinned beneath the sky
   Against thy worthy name!]

Despite this, I will venture
  On through a mortal wound,
To the place where succeeded
    a myriad, and more,
  Before thy holy throne.

A God of love art Thou!
  Hear my souls groans;
Draw me from the bonds of the black enemy,
  To see thy face, and live.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion
[1a] My gracious, loving Lord,
  To thee what shall I say?
Well may I tremble at thy word,
  And scarce presume to pray!

[2a] Yet, Lord, well might I fear,
  Fear even to ask thy grace;
So oft have I, alas! drawn near.
  And mocked thee to thy face.

[6a] But O! the jealous God
  In my behalf came down;
Jesus himself
    the stronger showed.
  And claimed me for his own.

[7b] My mouth was stopped, and shame
  Covered my guilty face;
I fell on the atoning Lamb,
  And I was saved by grace
Charles Wesley 1707-88

full text

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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