Fy ngwaith yw caru'r Iesu

Fy ngwaith yw caru'r Iesu
  A charu'r Iesu yw
Gwneud pobpeth yn fy ngallu
  I ryngu bodd fy Nuw:
Yn eirwir ac yn onest,
  Yn ufudd iawn o hyd,
Ac felly garu'r Iesu
  Tra fyddwyf yn y byd.

Fy ngwaith yw caru'r Iesu,
  Mae Iesu'n haeddu hyn;
Efe yw'r Oen fu farw
  Ar ben Calfaria fryn!
Gwn iddo farw droswyf,
  Gwnaf finnau drosto Ef,
Bob peth sydd yn fy ngallu,
  Nes myned fry i'r nef.

Efe fydd yn fy nghroesaw
  I dref Carersalem wen,
Rhydd delyn yn fy nwylaw,
  A choron ar fy mhen;
Caf uno gyda'r dyrfa
  Sydd mewn nefolaidd dān,
Yn canmol cariad Iesu
  Heb ddiwedd ar eu cān.
Gwilym/John Hughes (Idanfryn) bl. 1832-79

Tôn [7676D]: Fy Ngwaith Yw Caru'r Iesu
    (W Evans [Alaw Afan] 1836-1900)

My work is to love Jesus
  And to love Jesus is
To do everything in my power
  To satisfiy my God:
Truthfully and honestly,
  Very obedient always,
And thus to love Jesus
  While ever I am in the world.

My work is to love Jesus,
  Jesus is deserving this;
He is the Lamb who died
  On the summit of Calvary hill!
I know that he died for me,
  I too will do for Him,
Everything which is in my power,
  Until going up to heaven.

He will be welcoming me
  To the city of bright Jerusalem,
He will put a harp into my hands,
  And a crown upon my head;
I will get to join with the throng
  Which is in heavenly fire,
Extolling the love of Jesus
  Without any end to their song.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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