Fy ngweddi dos i'r nef

1,2a,3,4,(5,6);  1,2a,4,5;  1,2a,6;  1,2b,4;  1,3.
(Pererindod y Cristion)
Fy ngweddi, dos i'r nef,
  Yn union at fy Nuw,
A dywed wrtho Ef yn daer,
 "Atolwg, Arglwydd, clyw!
Gwna'n ôl d'addewid wych
  I'm dwyn i'th nefoedd wen;
Yn Salem fry partô fy lle
  Mewn llys o fewn i'r llen."

Pererin llesg a llaith,
  Dechreuais daith oedd bell,
Trwy lu o elynion
    mawr eu brad
  Gan geisio gwlad sydd well;
Am ffoi mae f'enaid tlawd
  At f'annwyl Frawd a'm Pen;
Yn Salem fry partô fy lle
  Mewn llys o fewn i'r llen.

[Pererin llesg a llaith,
   Dechreuais daith oedd bell,
 Trwy'r holl elynion
     mawr eu brad
   Gan geisio gwlad sydd well;
 Iachâ bob clwyf a brath
   A dail y bywiol bren,
 Yn Salem fry par'to fy lle
  Mewn llys o fewn i'r llen.]

Yng nglyn wylofain trist,
  Lle bu fy Nghrist, 'r wy'n byw;
Ac wrth ryfela â'm
    gelyn caeth
  Fy nghalon aeth yn friw;
Iachâ bob clwyf a brath
  Â dail y bywiol bren;
Yn Salem fry partô fy lle
  Mewn llys o fewn i'r llen.

Mae 'mrodyr uwch y nen
  Yn canu ar ben eu taith;
A minnau oedais lawer awr
  Ar siwrnai fawr a maith;
Ond bellach tyn fi'n ddwys,
  Ar Grist dod bwys fy mhen;
Yn Salem fry partô fy lle
  Mewn llys o fewn i'r llen.

Gwna im' fyn'd ymlaen yn ddewr,
  Trwy ddyfroedd mawr a thân,
Heb ofni Satan lew na'i lu,
   Nes elwy' i Seion lân;
Gan ddiangc ar y byd,
  I'm cartref clŷd uwch ben:
Yn Salem fry partô fy lle
  Mewn llys o fewn i'r llen.

'R wy'n gwel'd yr oriau'n hir,
  I fod o dir fy ngwlad;
'Bryd deuaf at fy mrodyr fry,
  Sy'n canu yn nhŷ fy Nhad?
Gael gorphen ar fy nhaith,
  A'm siwrne faith îs nen:
Yn Salem fry partô fy lle
  Mewn llys o fewn i'r llen.
Gwna'n ôl d' :: Cyflwyna'th
I'm dwyn :: Dwg fi
Ar siwrnai :: Ar yrfa

William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia 1749

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
Dinbych (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Gobaith (Thomas Price 1857-1925)
Iona (Day's Psalter 1563)
Leominster (George W Martin c.1825-81)
St Barnabas (J H Schein 1586-1630)
Vermont (<1811)

  Mae tywyll anial nos
  O Iesu'r meddyg da
  Pererin llesg a llaith

(The Pilgrimage of the Christian)
My prayer, go to heaven,
  Directly to my God,
And say to Him dearly,
  Beseeching, Lord, hear!
Do according to thy wonderful promise
  Lead me to thy bright heavens;
In Salem above prepare my place
  In the court within the curtain.

A pilgrim weary and timid,
  I began my journey which was far,
Through a host of enemies
    of great treachery
  While seeking the land which is better;
For my poor soul to flee
  To my dear Brother and my Head;
In Salem above prepare my place
  In the court within the curtain.

[A pilgrim weary and timid,
  I began my journey which was far,
 Through all the enemies
     of great treachery
   While seeking the land which is better;
 Heal every wound and pang
   With the leaves of the lively tree,
 In Salem above prepare my place
   In the court within the curtain.]

In the vale of sad lamentation,
  Where Christ was, I am living;
And while battling with my
    enemy of captivity
  My heart gets broken;
Heal every wound and pang
  With the leaves of the tree of life;
In Salem above prepare my place
  In the court within the curtain.

My brothers are above the sky
  Singing at the end of their travel;
While I have tarried below for an hour
  On a journey great and long;
But now draw me firmly,
  On Christ lean my head;
In Salem above prepare my place
  In the court within the curtain.

Make me go forward bravely,
  Through great waters and fire,
Without fearing the lion Satan or his host,
  Until I go to holy Zion;
Escaping from the world,
  To my secure home over head:
In Salem above prepare my place
  In the court within the curtain.

I am seeing the hours as long,
  To be from the land of my country;
When shall I come to my brothers above,
  Who are singing in my Father's house?
To get to finish on my travel,
  And my vast journey under the sky:
In Salem above prepare my place
  In the court within the curtain.
Do according to thy :: Fulfil thy
On a journey :: On a course

tr. 2009,17 Richard B Gillion

Direct unto my God,
  With speed, my cry ascend:
Present to Him this urgent plea: -
  "In mercy, Lord, attend!
Fulfil thy gracious word,
  To bring me to thy rest;
In Salem soon my place prepare,
  And make me ever blest!"


"Down in a vale of tears
  Where dwelt my Christ I mourn,
And in the conflict with my foes,
  My tender heart is torn:
O heal each bleeding wound,
  With thy life-giving tree;
In Salem, Lord, above the strife,
  A place prepare for me!"

1854 Joseph Morris

Tune [MBD 6686D]: Iona (Day's Psalter 1563)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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