Fy ngwrthgiliadau o bob rhyw

Fy ngwrthgiliadau o bob rhyw,
A'm beiau mawrion dua'u lliw,
  Wyf Iesu'n roddi iti'n un:
'Does neb all sefyll dros fath rai,
Na neb anturia' nghyfiawnhau
  O flaen y nef ond ti dy hun.

Pe gwypent hwy'r annuwiol fyd
Y ganfed ran o'm beiau i gyd,
  Hwy haerent nad oes dim iachad;
Ond o'u hardaloedd 'rwyf yn troi,
A thu a'r nefoedd 'rwyf yn ffoi,
  At haeddiant llawn y dwyfol waed.

Yr ochor draw i'r anial hyn,
Lle nid oes niwl na ffos na llyn,
  Ond haul yn codi'n fore clir,
'R wyf yn hiraethu am fod fy lle
Yn agos i gynteddau'r ne',
  Ar sanctaidd nefol hyfryd dir.
William Williams 1717-91
Ffarwel Weledig

Tonau [888.888]:
Gweddi Luther (Casgliad Wurtemburg)
Hwyrfryn (anadnabyddus)
Pantycelyn (alaw Ellmynig)

My backslidings of every kind,
And my great faults of a black colour,
  I am giving to thee, Jesus, as one:
There is none who can stand for such a one,
Nor anyone venture to vindicate me
  Before heaven but thee thyself.

If they, the ungodly world, knew
The hundredth part of all my faults,
  They would claim that there is no healing;
But from their regions I am turning,
And towards heaven I am fleeing,
  To the full merit of the divine blood.

On the far side of this desert,
Where there is no fog or ditch or lake,
  But sun rising as a clear morning,
I am longing for my place to be
Near to the courts of heaven,
  On holy, heavenly, delightful ground.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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