Fy Nhad o'r nef O gwrando 'nghri
Fy Nhad o'r nef O gwrando'm cri

(Y Pethau Da)
Fy Nhad o'r nef, O gwrando 'nghri:
Un o'th eiddilaf blant wyf fi;
  O clyw fy llef a thrugarha,
  A dod i mi y doniau da.

Nid ceisio 'rwyf anrhydedd byd,
Nid gofyn wnaf am gyfoeth drud;
  O llwydda f'enaid, trugarha,
  A dod i mi y doniau da.

Fe all mai'r storom fawr ei grym
A ddaw â'r pethau gorau im;
  Fe all mai drygau'r byd a wna
  I'm henaid geisio'r doniau da.

Fy Nhad o'r nef, O gwrando 'nghri
A dwg fi'n agos atat ti;
  Rho imi galon a barha
  O hyd i garu'r doniau da.

             - - - - -

Fy Nhad o'r nef O gwrando'm cri;
Un o'th eiddilaf blant wyf fi:
  O clyw fy llef a thrugarha,
  A dod i mi Dy bethau da!

Nid ceisio'r wyf anrhydedd byd,
Nid gofyn wnaf am gyfoeth drud; -
  O llwydda f'enaid, trugarha
  A dod i mi Dy bethau da!

Fe all mai'r storom fawr ei grym
A ddwg y pethau goreu im';
  Hwyrach mai drygau'r byd a wna
  I f'enaid mofyn pethau da!

Ffynhonnell pob daioni sy,
Ga'i fod yn agos atat Ti?
  Rho i mi galon a barha
  I garu dim ond pethau da!
J G Moelwyn Hughes (Moelwyn) 1866-1944

Tonnau [MH 8888]:
Abends (H S Oakley 1830-1903)
Bryn Dioddef (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Exeter (W Dorrell 1810-1896)
Hierapolis (S Wesley neu S S Wesley)
St Martini (G B Martini 1706-1784)
Saxony (alaw Almaenaidd)
Spires (M Luther 1483-1546)
Whitburn (H Baker 1835-1910)
Y Ddôl (Tom Carrington 1881-1961)

(The Good Things)
My heavenly Father, O hear my cry
One of thy feeblest children am I;
  O hear my call and have mercy,
  And give to me the good gifts.

I am not seeking the world's honour,
I am not asking for costly wealth;
  O prosper my soul, have mercy,
  And give to me the good gifts.

It could be the storm of great force
That brings the best things to me;
  It could be the world's evils that make
  My soul seek the good gifts.

My heavenly Father, O hear my cry
And draw me near to thee;
  Grant to my heart to continue
  Still to love the good gifts.

                - - - - -

My heavenly Father, O hear my cry;
One of thy feeblest children am I:
  O, hear my call and have mercy
  And give to me Thy good things!

I am not seeking the world's honour,
I am not asking for costly wealth; -
  O prosper my soul, have mercy,
  And give to me Thy good things!

It could be that the storm of great force
Will bring the best things to me;
  Perhaps that the world's evils will make
  My soul ask for good things!

The fount of every goodness there is,
May I get to be near to thee?
  Grant to my heart to continue
  To love nothing but good things!
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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