Fy Nhad a'm Duw gad i mi weld Dy wedd

(Tywys fi)
Fy Nhad a'm Duw,
    gad i mi weld Dy wedd
Yn oleu byw
    ar gyfyng lwybrau'r bedd:
  Rho'th Ysbryd pur
      i lonni'm calon wan,
  Nes drwy bob cur
      dof adref yn y man.

Mae tŷ fy Nhad
    tu hwnt i'r bryniau draw,
A'r nefol wlad
    o'i amgylch ar bob llaw;
  Tywyllwch mawr
      a chreigiau serth y sy
  I minnau'n awr -
      O Arglwydd, tywys fi!

Â'th gariad tỳn fi,
    drwy elynion oes;
A golch fi'n wyn
    yn ffynnon lawn y Groes;
  A phan gaf ddod
      i'm cartref yn y nef
  Mi seiniaf glod diddiwedd iddo Ef.
Ben Davies 1864-1937

Tonau []:
Bartholdy (F Mendelssohn-Bartholdy 1809-47)
Ellers (E J Hopkins 1818-1901)
Rhôs (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)

(Lead me)
My Father and my God,
    let me see thy face
In living light
    on the grave's narrow path:
  Give thy pure Spirit
      to cheer my weak heart,
  Until through every stroke
      I come home soon.

My Father's house is
    Beyond yonder hills,
And the heavenly land
    around it on every hand;
  Great darkness
      and steep hills there are
  For me now -
      O Lord, lead me!

With thy love draw me,
    through enemies of an age;
And wash me white
    in the full fount of the Cross;
  And when I get to come
      to my home in heaven
  I will sound endless acclaim unto Him.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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