Fy Nuw, a yw dy fwrdd yn llawn? A yw dy wledd yn werthfawr iawn? O doed dy blant ymlaen i gyd I brofi dy ddanteithion drud. O nefol rodd, yr Iesu'n rhad Sydd yma'n rhoi ei gorff a'i waed; Mor ddedwydd ydyw'r sawl sy'n cael Digonedd o'i fendithion hael. Paham yr oeda neb yn hwy Goffáu marwolaeth Crist a'i glwy? Paham y ceidw undyn draw A bara'r nef yn rhad wrth law? O boed y wledd yn fawr ei bri A thyrfa hardd byth ynddi hi; O boed i bawb a ddêl i hon Gael heddwch Duw o dan eu bron. Bywha dy Eglwys ar y llawr, Bywha'n calonnau ninnau'n awr; Rho inni nerth i'th ddilyn di Trwy rin yr Iawn ar Galfarî.cyf. Hymnau Hen a Newydd 1868
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My God, is thy table full? And is thy feast very precious? O let children all come on To experience thy costly delicacies. O heavenly gift, Jesus graciously Is here giving his body and his blood; How happy are those who are getting Sufficiency from his generous blessings. Why will anyone delay any longer To remember Christ's death and his wound? Why will anyone keep away And the bread of heaven free at hand? O may the feast be of great renown And a beautiful throng forever be in it; O may everyone who comes to this Get the peace of God under their breast. Revive thy Church on the earth, Revive our own hearts now; Give us strength to follow thee Through the merit of the Atonement on Calvary.tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion |
My God, and is Thy table spread, And does Thy cup with love o'erflow? Thither be all Thy children led, And let them all its sweetness know. Hail, sacred feast, which Jesus makes! Rich banquet of His flesh and blood! Thrice happy he, who here partakes That sacred stream, that heav'nly food! Why are its dainties all in vain Before unwilling hearts displayed? Was not for you the Victim slain? Are you forbid the children's bread? O let Thy table honoured be, And furnished well with joyful guests; And may each soul salvation see, That here its sacred pledges tastes. Revive thy dying churches, Lord, And bid our drooping graces live; And more that energy afford, A Saviour's blood alone can give.Philip Doddridge 1702-51
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