Fy Nuw, fy nerth, a'm bywyd i Rhoes arnat ti fy ngoglud; Can's oll yn oll wyt im', Dduw, Nis gallwn fyw pe'm gedyd. Dy dirion wedd all lawenhau Fy mhabell glai mewn trallod, Mae'n nefoedd lle bo'ch di fy Nuw, Ac uffern yw hi hebod. Cariadus wenau'th wyneb gwiw, Mor hawddgar yw y rhei'ny! Nefoedd yw gorphwys yn dy gôl 'Does fan dedwyddol hebddi. Dedwyddwch yr angylion fry O honot ti sy'n tarddu, Pan maent o gylch gorseddfa'th ras Yn cael cymdeithas Iesu. Nid allai holl delynau'r ne' Byth wneyd y lle yn nefol, Pe cefnit ti yn anad neb, Neu guddio'th wyneb siriol. [Nid allai holl delynau'r ne' Byth wneyd y lle yn nefol, Pe bae i Dduw eu gadael heb Gael gwel'd ei wyneb siriol.] [Ni allai'r holl delynau'n nhre' Byth wneyd y lle yn nefol, Pe Duw 'madawai'n anad neb Neu guddio'i wyneb siriol.] Ni rydd na nef na daear im' Yn ddiau ddim boddlonrwydd; Na dafn o wir lawenydd heb Dy bresennoldeb, Arglwydd. Tydi yw'r môr o gariad rhwydd, Lle mae boddlonrwydd dibaid; Tro-gylch fy holl serchiadau wyt, A chanol-bwynt fy enaid. Awyddus yw fy yspryd i, Duw attat ti am ddwad; Ond o mor bell yr wyf er hyn; O Iesu tyn fi attad. gedyd :: gedit dirion :: ddisglair b'och :: bech Pan maent o gylch :: Wrth eiste' cylch Yn cael :: A chael Nid allai :: Ni allei guddio'th :: guddio'i Ni rydd na nef :: Ni rydd y nef Yn ddiau :: 'Rwy'n sicir, bell yr wyf :: belled wyf efel. 1794 Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Tonau [MS 8787]: gwelir: Ni rydd na nef na daear im' |
My God, my strength, and my life I have put upon thee my trust; For all in all art thou to me, God, I could not live if thou shouldst leave me. Thy tender countenance can cheer My tent of clay in trouble, It is heaven wherever thou be my God, And hell is it without thee. The loving smiles of thy worthy face, How beautiful are they! Heaven is to lie in thy bosom There is no happy place without thee. The happiness of the angels above From thee is springing, When they are around the throne of thy grace Getting the company of Jesus. Not all the harps of heaven could Ever make the place heavenly, If thou above all others shouldst turn thy back. Or hide thy cheerful face. [Not all the harps of heaven could Ever make the place heavenly, If God should leave them without their Getting to see his cheerful face.] [Not all the harps of our home could Ever make the place heavenly, If God should leave more than anyone Or hide his cheerful face.] Neither heaven nor earth shall give me, Doubtless, any satisfaction; Nor a scrap of true joy without Thy presence, Lord. Thou art the sea of free love, Where there is unceasing satisfaction; The orbit of all my affections art thou, And the focus of my soul. Eager is my spirit, God, to thee to come; But how far away I am for this; O Jesus, draw me to thee! :: tender :: radiant :: When they are around :: While sitting around Getting :: And get :: hide thy :: hide his :: Doubtless, :: I am sure, :: tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |
God, my supporter and my hope, My help for ever near, Thine arm of mercy held me up, When sinking in despair. Thy counsels, Lord, shall guide my feet Through this dark wilderness; Thine hand conduct me near thy seat, To dwell before thy face. Were I in heav'n without my God, 'Twould be no joy to me; And whilst this earth is my abode, I long for none but thee. What if the springs of life were broke, And flesh and heart should faint? God is my soul's eternal rock, The strength of every saint. Behold, the sinners that remove Far from thy presence die; Not all the idol gods they love Can save them when they cry. But to draw near to thee, my God, Shall be my sweet employ; My tongue shall sound thy works abroad, And tell the world my joy.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Tune [CM 8686]: |