Fy Nuw gad wel'd dy nefol wedd

(Hiraeth am y nefol fyd)
Fy Nuw gad wel'd dy nefol wedd,
A chlywed hyfryd
    lais dy hedd;
  I droi fy nghalon ar dy ol,
  Oddiwrth y byd
      a'i bethau ffol.

O Arglwydd gwna i'm serch a'm bryd,
I fod ar bethau'r nefol fyd;
  A'th gyngor yma arwain fi,
  A dyg fi yna atat ti.

Beth yw trysorau'r môr i gyd,
Cyfoeth a gwychder yr holl fyd;
  A phob rhyw bleser îs y ne',
  I mi bechadur yn dy le.

Os deuaf fyth fy Nuw i'r fân,
Caf wel'd yn rhywdd
    mai ti yw'm rhan;
  Dïau y canaf gywir glod,
  Am i ti garu'm bath i'rio'd.
oddiwrth :: oddiar
gwna i'm ... // I fod ar   ::   dyro'm ... // Yn fwy ar

Parch. William Hughes, Dinas.
Caniadau Bethel (Casgliad Evan Edwards) 1840

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Cromer (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Eisenach (B Gesius / J H Schein)

(Longing for Heaven)
My God, let see thy heavenly countenance,
One who has not heard
    the voice of thy peace;
  To turn my heart after thee,
  Away from the world
      and its foolish things.

O Lord, make my affection and my intention,
Be on the things of the heavenly world;
  And thy counsel here guide me,
  And lead me there to thee.

What are all the treasures of the sea,
The wealth and brilliance of all the world;
  And every kind of pleasure under heaven,
  To me a sinner in place of thee.

If ever I come, my God, to the place,
Where I may see freely
    that thou art my portion;
  Doubtless I shall sing true praise,
  That thou shouldst so love me ever.
make my ... // Be on   ::   put my ... // Evermore on

tr. 2016,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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