Gall angau dorri nghorph i lawr

Death may dissolve my body now

(Sicrwydd am y nefoedd; neu'r Saint yn cael
eu parottoi i farw. 2 Tim 14. 6,7,8,18.)
Gall angau dorri nghorph i lawr,
  A dwyn fy enaid fynu'n awr;
Pa'm y gohiria f'oriau'n hŵy,
  Ac na ddoi'm Iechydwriaeth mwy?

A nefol arfau'r
    'fengyl wiw
  Ymleddais i ryfeloedd Duw;
Cwpleais fy ngyrfa, cedwais y ffydd,
  A gwobor sicir i mi fydd.

Duw yn y nef i'w chadw im',
  Rhoes goron na ddiflanna ddim;
Ar y dydd mawr, yng ngwydd y byd,
  Fy Mhrynwr ar fy Mhen a'i dyd.

Ac nid myfi fy hun s'i gael
  Gan Frenin gras
      fath ffafar hael;
Ond pawb a'u chwant a'u hiraeth sydd
  Wel'd ymddangosiad
      Crist a'i ddydd.

Y Iesu, f'Arglwydd, ef a'm dwg
  Yn ddiogel rhag pob amcan drwg;
A cheidw f'enaid, er mor wan,
  I'w deyrnas nefol happus fan.

Duw sy' drag'wyddol gymorth im',
  Terfysged uffern a'i holl rym;
Gogoniant iddo hyd y nen,
  A mawl di-ddiwedd byth, Amen.
tr. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(Certainty about heaven; or the saints getting
prepared to die. 2 Tim 14:6,7,8,18.)
Death can break my body down,
  And take my soul up now;
Why are my hours delayed any later,
  And my Salvation not come any more?

With the heavenly weapons
     of the worthy gospel
  I fought the wars of God;
I competed my course, I kept the faith,
  And a certain prize for me there shall be.

God in heaven to save me,
  Gave a crown that shall not vanish at all;
On the great day, in the face of the world,
  My Redeemer on my head shall put it.

And it is not I myself who is to get
  From the King of grace
      such generous favour;
But all whose desire and whose longing is
  To see the appearance
      of Christ and his day.

Jesus, my Lord, he shall lead me
  Safely from every evil purpose;
And keep my soul, although so weak,
  to the kingdom of a heavenly, happy place.

God is an eternal help to me,
  Let hell and all its force be in tumult;
Glory to him up to the sky,
  An endless praise forever, Amen.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
(Assurance of heaven; or, A saint
prepared to die, 2 Tim. 4. 6 7 8 18.)
[Death may dissolve my body now,
   And bear my spirit home;
 Why do my minutes move so slow,
   Nor my salvation come?

 With heavenly weapons
     I have fought
   The battles of the Lord,
 Finish'd my course, and kept the faith,
   And wait the sure reward.]

God has laid up in heaven for me
  A crown which cannot fade;
The righteous Judge at that great day
  Shall place it on my head.

Nor hath the King of grace decreed
  This prize
      for me alone;
But all that love and long to see
  Th' appearance
      of his Son.

Jesus the Lord shall guard me safe
  From every ill design;
And to his heavenly kingdom keep
  This feeble soul of mine.

God is my everlasting aid
  And hell shall rage in vain;
To him be highest glory paid,
  And endless praise. - Amen.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707

Tune [CM 8686]: Pisgah (Scottish tune)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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