Gelynion rif y dail

1,2;  1,3.
(Profiadau Cristionogion - Galar dan Drallodau)
  Gelynion rif y dail
    Sydd am fy nghael i lawr,
  O fewn, o faes bob dydd,
    Fel tonau'r moroedd mawr:
O! dal, fy Nuw! fy mhen i'r lan,
Caf fuddugoliaeth yn y man.

  N'ad i mi lwfrhau,
    Er amled ydyw'r llu; 
  O cynal f'enaid gwan,
    Nes d'od i'r Ganaan fry;
Y wlad nad oes na chur na loes,
Ond moli'r Gwr fu ar y groes.

  Y fraich fu'n hollti'r môr,
    A throi'r Iorddonen gref
  Sy' 'nawr yn dal y gwan,
    I deithio tua'r nef;
Anfeidrol rym sy'n mraich fy Nuw,
Wrth bwyso arni byddaf byw.
Na ad im' :: N'ad i mi

Christmas Evans 1766-1838

Tonau [666688]:
Alun (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Bryniau Canaan (<1876)
Croft's 136th (William Croft 1678-1727)
Darwall (John Darwall 1731-89)

  Rhyw 'stormydd mawr eu grym
  Y fraich fu'n hollti'r môr

(Christians' Experiences - Lamenting under Troubles)
  Enemies numerous as the leaves
    Are wanting to get me down,
  Within, without every day,
    Like the waves of the oceans:
O keep, my God, my head up!
I shall get victory soon.

  Do not let me lose heart,
    Although so numerous is the host;
  O support my weak soul,
    Until coming to the Canaan above;
The land there is no pain or anguish,
But praising the Man who was on the cross.

  The arm that split the sea,
    And turned the strong Jordan
  Is now holding the weak,
    To travel towards heaven;
An immeasurable force is my God's arm,
While leaning on it I shall live.

tr. 2017,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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