Gras gras (Yn genllif grymus ddaeth i maes)

(Mawrygu Gras)
    Gras, gras,
Yn genllif grymus ddaeth i maes,
Grisialaidd afon loew las,
  Rhinweddol flas i'r euog rai;
Lle i bechaduriaid yma gaed,
  I'w cannu'n rhad oddiwrth bob bai.

    I'r lan,
Os bydd in' dd'od
      o'r anial fan,
Bydd hyfryd seinio yn y man,
  Pawb yn ei ran yn moli'r Oen,
Mewn melus anthem, newydd iaith,
  Ar ben y daith,
      heb friw na phoen.

    Gwych sain,
Fydd eto am
      y goron ddrain,
Yr hoelion llym, a'r bicell fain,
  Wrth gofio rhain
        caiff uffern glwy':
Cadwynau tynion aeth yn rhydd,
  Fe gaed y dydd: Hosanna mwy!
John Roberts 1753-1834

Tonau [288.888]:
Glan'rafon (David Davies 1810-75)
Llanybydder (J D Jones / C Roberts)
William (M Ll Owen 1892-1918)

  Gwych sain (Fydd eto am y goron ddrain)
  Pa le (Y gwnaf fy noddfa dan y ne')?
  O tyn (Y gorchudd yn y mynydd hyn)

(Magnifying Grace)
    Grace, grace,
As a strong torrent came out,
A radiant, blue, crystal river,
  A virtuous taste to the guilty ones;
A place here for sinners was got,
  To be bleached free from every fault.

If we shall get to come
      from the desert place,
It will be lovely to sound in the place,
  Everyone in his part praising the Lamb,
In a sweet anthem, a new language,
  At the end of the journey,
        without bruise or pain.

    A brilliant sound,
There shall be again about
      the crown of thorn,
The sharp nails, and the pointed spear,
  On remembering those
        hell shall get a wound:
Tight chains went loose,
  The day was won: Hosanna evermore!
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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