Gwaed y Groes sy'n lladd gelyniaeth

Gwaed y Groes sy'n lladd gelyniaeth,
  Gwaed y Groes sy'n cyfiawnhau;
Ac er maint fy llygredigaeth,
  Gwaed y Groes sydd yn glanhau;
    Daw i'r aflan
  A sancteiddrwydd Duw Ei Hun.

Gwaed y Groes sydd imi'n fywyd
  Yn yr anial mwyaf crin;
Gwaed y Groes adfywia f'ysbryd
  Yn y gwres a'r deifiol hin;
    Yn ei rinwedd
  Āf ymlaen o nerth i nerth.

Gwaed y Groes sydd yn diffoddi
  Tanllyd fellt
        Cyfiawnder llym;
Gwaed y Groes sydd yn distewi
  Y taranau mwya'u grym;
    Mae tangnefedd
  Fel y nef ar Seina mwy.

Gwaed y Groes yw'm hunig obaith
  Gweld yr Iesu "fel y mae";
Dyma lif tragwyddol berffaith
  Rhyngof a thragwyddol wae:
    Dafn o hono
  Ddiffydd dān
        trueni byth.
Evan Rees (Dyfed) 1850-1923

[Mesur: 878747]

The blood of the cross is killing enmity,
  The blood of the cross is justifying;
And despite the extent of my corruption,
  The blood of the cross is cleansing;
    To the unclean it shall bring
  The sanctification of God himself.

The blood of the cross is to me life
  In the most arid desert;
The blood of the cross revives my spirit
  In the heat and the searing climate;
    In his merit
  I shall go on from strength to strength.

The blood of the cross is extinguishing
  The fiery lightning
        of sharp righteousness;
The blood of the cross i quietening
  The thunders of greatest force;
    There is peace
  Like heaven on Sinai evermore.

The blood of the cross is my only hope
  Of seeing Jesus "as he is";
Here is a perfect eternal stream
  Between me and eternal woe:
    A drop of this
  Shall extinguish the fire
        of a wretch forever.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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