Gwaed y groes a ddygodd heddwch

(Swper Crist)
Gwaed y groes
      a ddygodd heddwch
  I elynol euog rai;
Gwaed y groes yw
    sail fy ngobaith
  Am faddeuant o bob bai. 
    Pob daioni
  Ddaeth i mi drwy
        waed y groes.

Gan i'r Iesu drwy farwolaeth,
  Ein heddychu byth â'r nef,
Mwy o lawer y'n hachubir
  Bellach drwy ei fywyd Ef.
    Byth ni chollir
  Neb a gredo ynddo Ef.

Yfwn hwn er cof am dano,
  Nes cael yn Mharadwys bell
Gwrdd yn nghyd ac yfed yno
  Ffrwyth gwinwydden lawer gwell:
    Gyda Iesu
  Gwledda gawn yn nheyrnas nef.
Thomas William 1761-1844

Tonau [878747]:
Petersburgh (alaw Rwsiaidd)
Vesper (alaw Rwsaig)

(Christ's Supper)
'Tis the blood of the cross
      that brought peace
  To hostile, guilty ones;
The blood of the cross is
      the basis of my hope
  For forgiveness from every fault.
    All goodness
  Came to me through the
        blood of the cross.

Since Jesus through death,
  Made our peace forever with heaven,
Much more are we to be saved
  Henceforth through his life.
    Never to be lost
  Is anyone who believes in him.

Let us drink this in memory of him,
  Until getting in distant Paradise
To meet together and drink there
  The fruit of the much better vine:
    With Jesus
  We may feast in the kingdom of heaven.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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