Gwêl dy annwyl ŵyn yn 'madael

(Wrth Ymadael)
Gwêl dy annwyl ŵyn yn 'madael;
  Bydd wrth raid
  Inni'n blaid -
Iesu! paid â'n gadael.

Arwain ni trwy'n anial drigfan,
  Nad ni'n ol,
  Yn dy gol
Dwg ni'r nefol Ganaan.

Rhwyma'r ddraig tro ni'n dihangyd,
  'Siga ei siol,
  Tyn ei chol',
Rho iddi farwol ergyd.

Rhag gelynion gwna ni'n arfog -
  Oll yn un,
  Yn gytûn,
Sanctaidd lu banerog.

N'ad in 'nabod dim a'i garu,
  Tra fôm byw,
  Ond y gwiw
Groeshoeliedig Iesu.

Os gelynion ddaw i'n denu,
  Gwna ni'n dwys,
  Fwrw'n pwys,
I orphwys ar yr Iesu.

N'ad i'r blaidd byth mo'n gwasgaru:
  Bydd Di byth
  Yn ddi-lyth
Ben a Bugail inni.

Dwg ni i'r baradwys auraidd,
  Fyw heb boen,
  Gydâ'r Oen,
Fry yn Sion sanctaidd.

Lle nas torrir byth mo'r undeb,
  Cartre' bra',
  Byth heb bla,
Dedwydd drag'wyddoldeb!
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8336]:
Ebeling (J G Ebeling 1637-76)
Havant (<1811)

(On Departing)
See thy dear lambs departing;
  Be at need
  To us on our side -
Jesus do not leave us!

Lead us through our desert dwelling,
  Do not leave us behind,
  In thy bosom
Bring us to the heavenly Canaan.

From the bonds of the dragon set us free,
  Crush its skull,
  Pull out its sting,
Strike it a mortal blow.

Against enemies make us armed -
  All as one,
  In agreement,
A holy, bannered host.

Do not let us love anything we know,
  While we live,
  But the worthy
Crucified Jesus.

If enemies come to attract us,
  Make us serious,
  To cast our weight,
To rest on Jesus.

Do not let the wolf ever scatter us:
  Be thou ever
Head and Shepherd to us!

Bring us to the golden paradise,
  Alive without pain,
  With the Lamb,
Above in holy Zion.

Where the unity is never to be broken,
  A fine home,
  Forever without plague,
A happy eternity!
tr. 2015,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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