Gwyn a gwridog hawddgar iawn

(Iesu'n wyn a gwridog)
Gwyn a gwridog, hawddgar iawn
  Yw f'Anwylyd;
Doniau'r nef sydd ynddo'n llawn,
  Peraidd hyfryd;
Daear faith ac uchter ne'
  Fyth ni ffeindia
Arall debyg iddo Fe,

Dygodd f'enaid ar ei ôl,
  Yn dra rhyfed;
Minnau orffwysaf yn ei gôl
  Hyd y diwedd;
Ffowch, greaduriaid o bob rhyw,
  Mwy ni chara'
Wrthrych arall ond fy Nuw,

Ynddo'i hunan mae yn llawn
  Bob trysorau,
Dwyfol berffaith werthfawr Iawn,
  Am fy meiau;
Gwir ddoethineb, hedd a gras
  Gwerthfawroca', -
Nerth i hollol gario'r ma's,

Dyma sylfaen gadarn gre'
  Trwy fy mywyd;
Credu ac edrych arno Fe
  Yw fy ngwynfyd;
Ynddo bellach trwy bob pla
  Y gobeitha',
Ac mewn rhyfel canu wna',

           - - - - -

Gwyn a gwridog, hawddgar iawn
  Yw f'Anwylyd;
Doniau'r nef sydd ynddo'n llawn,
  Peraidd, hyfryd;
Daear faith,
    nac uchder nef
  Ni ddatguddia
Arall debyg iddo Ef—

Ynddo'i hunan y mae'n llawn
  Bob trysorau:
Dwyfol berffaith, werthfawr Iawn
  Am fy meiau;
Gwir ddoethineb, hedd, a gras
Nerth i hollol gario'r maes -

Dyma sylfaen gadarn gref,
  Trwy fy mywyd;
Credu, ac edrych arno Ef,
  Yw fy ngwynfyd:
Ynddo bellach, trwy bob pla,
  Y gobeitha';
Ac mewn rhyfel canu wna' -

           - - - - -

Gwyn a gwridog, hawddgar iawn
  Yw f'anwylyd,
Doniau'r nefoedd ynddo'n llawn,
  Peraidd, hyfryd,
Daear faith,
    ac uchder ne',
  Ni chanfydda,
Arall debyg idd efe;

Dygodd f'enaid ar ei ol,
  Yn dra rhyfed;
Minnau lechaf yn ei gol,
  Hyd y diwedd:
Ffowch gre'duriaid o bob rhyw,
  Mwy ni chara'
Wrthddrych arall on fy Nuw;

Ynddo'i hunan mae yn llawn,
  Bob trysorau,
Dwyfol berffaith, werthfawr Iawn,
  Am fy meiau;
Gwir hawddgarwch, hedd a gras,
Nerth i hollol gario'r maes: -
1781 William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7474D]:
Brynawel (Gwilym R Jones 1875-1953)
Christmas (alaw Gymreig)
Glan-y-Don (J Morgan LLoyd 1880-?)
Gogerddan (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Gwalchmai (1868 J D Jones 1827-70)
Haverland (Myles B Forster 1851-1922)
Hornsea (<1835)
Llanfair (Robert Williams 1781-1821)
Rhigos (David Evans 1874-1948)
San Remo (Frederick A J Hervey 1846-1910)

  Craig safadwy dan fy nhraed
  Crist yw'm sylfaen gadarn gref
  Myn'd a wnaf dan godi'm llef
  Y mae'r dyddiau'n dod i ben

(Jesus is fair and ruddy)
Fair and ruddy, very beautiful
  Is my Beloved;
The gifts of heaven and fully in him,
  Sweetly delightful;
Vast earth and height of heaven
  Never shall find
Another like unto Him,

He drew my soul after him,
  Quite wonderfully;
I, then, shall rest in his bosom
  Until the end;
Flee, ye creatures of every kind,
  No longer shall I love
Any other object but my God,

In himself he is full
  Of every treasure,
Divine, perfect, precious Atonement,
  For my faults;
True wisdom, peace and grace
  The most precious, -
Strength wholly to carry the field,

Here is a firm, strong foundation
  Throughout my life;
To believe and look upon him
  Is my blessedness;
In him henceforth through every plague
  I shall hope,
And in battle sing I shall,

              - - - - -

Fair and ruddy, very amiable,
  Is my Beloved;
He is full of the gifts of heaven,
  Sweet, lovely;
Neither the wide earth,
    nor the heights of heaven
  Can reveal
Another like unto Him -

He is himself full
  Of every treasure:
Divine, perfect, precious Ransom
  For my sins;
True wisdom, peace, and grace
  Most precious,
Strength to completely carry the field -

Here is a stable, strong foundation,
  Through my life;
To believe, and look upon Him,
  Is my delight:
In him, moreover, through every plague,
  I will hope;
And in battle I will sing -

                - - - - -

Fair and ruddy, very amiable
  Is my beloved,
He is full of the gifts of heaven,
  Sweet, lovely,
Neither the vast earth,
    nor the heights of heaven,
  Can find,
Another like unto him;

He drew my soul after him,
  Quite wonderfully;
I shall hide in his bosom,
  Until the end:
Flee, ye creatures of every kind,
  No longer shall I love
Any object but my God;

In himself he is full,
  Of every treasure,
Divine, perfect, precious Ransom,
  For my sins;
True beauty, peace and grace,
  Most precious,
Strength to completely carry the field: -
tr. 2008,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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