Gwyn a gwridog têg a glân

(Crist yn wyn a gwridog, &c. Can. v. 10.)
Gwyn a gwridog, têg a glân -
    hawddgar ydy',
Ar ddeng mil o'r duwiau mân -
    mae'n rhagori;
  Gwell nâ'r India na'r Periw -
      yw f'Anwylwyd,
  Ei garu wnaf tra fyddwyf byw -
      mae fe'n hyfryd.

Yspryd Caleb dyro im' -
    i ymdrechu,
Na b'o imi garu dim - ond yr Iesu;
  Mae perthnasau goreu'r cnawd -
      yma'n darfod;
  Dyma Gyfaill gwell nâ brawd -
      dyma Briod.

Afradloniaid o bob gwlad - deuwch ato,
Mae fe'n rhoi maddeuant rhad -
    diolch iddo;
  Golchi'r aflan brwnt yn wỳn -
      mi'th ryfedda;
  Pwy na chanai byth am hyn - Halelwia!
Swp o Ffigys 1825

Tonau [7474D]:
Bethel (alaw Gymreig)
Easter Hymn (Lyra Davidica 1708)

(Christ as white and ruddy, &c. Song. 5:10.)
White and ruddy, fair and holy -
    beautiful is he,
Than ten thousand of lesser gods -
    he is superior;
  Better than India or Peru -
      is my Beloved,
  Love him I shall while ever I live -
      he is delightful.

The Spirit of Caleb give to me -
    to struggle,
May I love nothing - but Jesus;
  The best relationships of the flesh -
      here are perishing;
  Here is a Friend better than a brother -
      here is a Spouse.

Prodigals of every land - come ye to him,
He is giving free forgiveness -
    thanks to him;
  Washing the dirty filthy white -
      I wonder at thee;
  Who would not sing forever at this -
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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