Galarwn a ch'wylyddiwn oll

(Canlyniadau'r Cwymp)
Galarwn a ch'wylyddiwn oll,
Am ni fyn'd i gyd ar goll:
  Aeth Adda gynt i lwybr ffôl,
  A'i holl hiliogaeth ar ei ol.

Ofnadwy yw'r ynfydrwydd 'nawr,
A red i maes yn ffrydiau mawr,
  O giliau dyfnion calon dyn,
  Oedd ddelw hardd
      o Dduw ei hun!

Ond O! clodforwn ryfedd râs,
Sy'n gwared
    o'r trueni câs,
  Trwy glwyfau'r Oen
      a'i boenau drud,
  Daeth iechydwriaeth wych i'r byd.

Lle'r amlhâodd pechod mawr,
Mwy'r amlhâ trugaredd 'nawr:
  Cyfiawder pur
      o'r Iesu mâd,
  A gyfiawnha'r crediniol hâd.

Golch ni, O Dduw, yn ngwaed yr Oen,
A'th heddwch pur iacha ein poen:
  Glanhâ ni'n llwyr
      a gwrando'n llef,
  A'th foli wnawn
      fyth yn y nef.
Benjamin Francis 1734-99

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(The Outcome of the Fall)
Let us all lament and be ashamed,
That we have all gone astray:
  Adam of old went to a foolish path,
  And all his race after him.

Terrible is the madness now,
That runs out in great streams,
  From the deep recesses of man's heart,
  That was the beautiful image
      of God himself!

But O, let us extol wonderful grace,
That is delivering
    from the detestable misery,
  Through the wounds of the Lamb
      and his costly pains,
  Came brilliant salvation to the world.

Where great sin multiplied,
The more multiplies mercy now:
  The pure righteousness
      from the renowned Jesus,
  Shall justify the believing seed.

Wash us, O God, in the blood of the Lamb,
With thy pure peace, heal our pain:
  Cleanse us completely
      and listen to our cry,
  And praise thee we shall
      forever in heaven.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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