Gorchudd ar dy bethau mawrion

1,(2),3;  1,2,3,4.
(Duw yn unig wrthrych cariad)
Gorchudd ar dy bethau mawrion
  Yw teganau gwâg y byd;
Cadarn fur rhyngof a'th Ysbryd
  Yw'm pleserau oll i gyd:
Gâd im' gloddio trwy'r parwydydd
  Tewion, trwodd at fy Nuw,
I gael gwel'd trysorau gwerthfawr
  'Fedd y ddaear
      ddim o'u rhyw.

N'âd fi daflu golwg cariad
  Ar un gwrthrych îs y rhôd,
Na gwneyd gwrthrych i fy ngobaith
  O greadur sydd yn bôd:
Cadw 'ngolwg wàn i fyny
  'N syml atat Ti Dy Hun,
Heibio i barch, a heibio i anmharch,
  Heibio i ddaear, heibio i ddyn.

Gad fi ganfod a diystyru
  'R holl greadigaeth faith i gyd
Yn y nefoedd, ac yn uffern,
  Yn y moroedd, yn y byd;
Fel yn hollol analluog
  Wneuthur da neu niwed im,
Nes bo rhain yn cael eu danfon
  Trwy'th gydsyniad a dy rym.

Wrth fy ystlys bydd i'm harwain,
  Yn mhob d'rysni rho Dy law;
Gâd im' aros yn Dy gysgod -
  Cawod yma, cawod draw:
Atat 'rwyf yn ffoi am noddfa
  Rhag y drygau sydd o'm hôl;
Cymmer fi, Dywysog bywyd,
  Dŵg fi yn Dy ddwyfol gôl.
ystlys :: ochr

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
Bavaria (F Mendelssohn-Bartholdy 1809-47)
Diniweidrwydd (alaw Gymreig)
Long Oaks (E T Davies 1878-1969)
Pennant (T Osborne Roberts 1879-1948)

(God as the only object of love)
A cover over thy great things
  Are the empty trinkets of the world;
A firm wall between me and thy Spirit
  Are all my pleasures altogether:
Let me dig through the thick
  Walls, through to my God,
To get to see valuable treasures
  Whose kind the world
      possesses nothing of.

Do not let me cast a look of love
  At any object under the sky,
Nor make the object of my hope
  From any creature that exists:
Keep my weak gaze up
  Simply to Thee Thyself,
Beyond respect, and beyond disrespect,
  Beyond earth, beyond man.

Let me detect and disregard
  All the vast creation altogether
In heaven, and in hell,
  In the seas, in the world;
As wholly unable
  To do good or harm to me,
Unless they get sent
  Through thy consent and thy power.

By my side be thou leading me,
  In every confusion give Thy hand;
Let me stay in Thy shadow -
  A shower here, a shower yonder:
To Thee I am fleeing for refuge
  From the evils which are behind me;
Take me, Prince of life,
  Lead me in Thy divine bosom.

tr. 2018,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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