Gorthrymder ar orthrymder

(Er Daioni)
Gorthrymder ar orthrymder
  Sy 'nglyn wylofain trist;
Ac ergyd ar ôl argyd
  I wir ganlynwyr Crist;
Er hyn pob peth gydweithia,
  Pob ergyd sy'n ei le,
Yn dwyn y gwaredigion
  Yn nes i deyrnas ne'.

Rhyfeddol fydd yr olwg
  Pan ddelo'r dorf i dre
O'r dwyrain a'r gorllewin,
  O'r gogledd dir a'r de;
A'u cystudd wedi darfod,
  A'u tannau oll yn dynn,
Yn canu am y goncwest
  Gaed ar Galfaria fryn.
Jonathan Powell 1764-1823

Tôn [7676D]: Pwllheli (John Francis 1789-1834)

(For Good)
Oppression upon oppression
  Are in the sad vale of weeping;
And blow after blow
  To the true followers of Christ;
Despite this everything works together,
  Every blow is in its place,
Bringing the delivered ones
  Nearer to the kingdom of heaven.

Wonderful shall be the view
  When the throng comes homes
From the east and the west,
  From the north land and the south;
With their affliction having ended,
  And all their strings in tune,
Singing about the conquest
  Got on Calvary hill.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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