Gwelwch beth a wnaeth ein Duw

See how great a flame aspires

(Codiad cwmwl bychan)
Gwelwch beth a wnaeth ein Duw,

Ar gyflyrau dynol ryw!

  Gorfoledded nef a llawr,

  Fe ddymchwelir Babel fawr.

Llwyddo mae efengyl hedd,

Miloedd ynddi gafodd wledd;

  Dynion meirwon wneir yn fyw

  Trwy efengyl gallu Duw.

Cwmwl megys lled llaw gŵr

Ydoedd yn y dechreu 'n siwr;

  Ond yn awr mae yma 'thraw

  Argoel llwyddiant mawr gerllaw.

Gorfoleddwch feibion Duw;

Rhoddwch fawl i'ch Prynwr gwiw:

  Iesu, Brenin nefoedd faith,

  Ef yn unig wnaeth y gwaith.

cyf. John Bryan 1776-1856
Diferion y Cyssegr 1809

Tôn [7777]: Corinth (Gesangbuch Freylinghausen)

(The arising of a little cloud)
See ye what our God has done,

About the condition of human kind!

  Let heaven and earth rejoice,

  Great Babel is to be overthrown.

Prospering is the gospel of peace,

Thousands in it are getting a feast;

  Dead men are made alive

  Through the gospel of God's ability.

A cloud like the breadth of a man's hand

It was in the beginning certainly;

  But now there is here and there

  A sign of great success at hand.

Rejoice, ye sons of God;

Render ye praise to your worthy Redeemer:

  Jesus, the King of vast heaven,

  He alone did the work.

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
See how great a flame aspires,
  Kindled by a spark of grace.
Jesus' love the nations fires,
  Sets the kingdoms on a blaze:
To bring fire on earth He came;
  Kindled in some hearts it is;
O that all might catch the flame,
  All partake the glorious bliss!

When He first the work begun,
  Small and feeble was His day:
Now the word doth swiftly run;
  Now it wins its widening way:
More and more it spread and grows,
  Ever mighty to prevail;
Sin's strongholds it now o'erthrows,
  Shakes the trembling gates of hell.

Saw ye not the cloud arise,
  Little as a human hand?
Now it spreads along the skies,
  Hangs o'er all the thirsty land,
Lo! the promise of a flower
  Drops already from above,
But the Lord shall shortly pour
  All the spirit of His love.

Sons of God your Saviour praise,
  He a door hath opened wide
He hath given the word of grace,
  Jesu's word is glorified:
Jesu's mighty to redeem,
  He alone the work hath wrought,
Worthy is the work of Him,
  Who all things to being brought.
Charles Wesley 1707-88

Tune [7777D]: St George's Windsor
    (George J Elvey 1816-93)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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