Gyrwch fi i eithaf t'wyllwch

{Duw a Digon)
Gyrwch fi i eithaf t'wyllwch,
  Hwnt i derfyn
        oll sy'n bod,
I ryw wagle dudew anial,
  Lle na sangodd dyn erioed;
    Hapus, hapus,
  Fyddaf yno gyd a'm Duw.

Beth wyf gwaeth, pe llyngcai'r moroedd
  Ddaear eang yn eu croth?
Beth wyf gwaeth pe
      b'ai gwaelodion
  Dyfnder mawr yn berffaith noeth?
    Beth yw colli,
  Môr a daear ond cael Duw?
William Williams 1717-91
Ffarwel Weledig 1763

Tôn [878747]: Vesper (alaw Rwsaig)

  Fe gynnygiodd dyfroedd lawer
  Nid oes eisiau un creadur

(God will suffice)
Drive ye me to the extremity of darkness,
  Beyond the limit of all
        that is in the world,
To some thick, black, deserted void,
  Where no man ever trod;
    Happy, happy,
  I shall be there with my God.

What do I care, if the seas should swallow
  The wide earth in their womb?
What do I care if
      the bottom
  Of the great deep be perfectly bare?
    What is the loss,
  Of sea and earth but having God?
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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