Geidwad grasol Fugail addfwyn

Geidwad grasol, Fugail addfwyn,
  'Rwyt yn hoffi'r tyner ŵyn,
Yn ei casglu a'u cofleidio
  Yn dy gynes fynwes fwyn.
Mawr yw'th gariad anfesurol,
  Buost farw er eu mwyn!

Fugail tyner, na âd iddynt
  Grwydro byth o'th gorlan glyd;
Cadw hwynt o dan dy lygad
  Ar y llwybr cul o hyd;
Fe'u hanrheithir oni fyddant
  Yn dy olwg ar bob pryd.

Pan y dysgant dy folianu,
  Fel dy saint ar gynes gân;
Ti gei ganddynt fawl-offrymau,
  Gwefus ur, a chalon lân;
Yna gyda'th saint yn Ngwynfa
  Rhyd eu mawl y nef ar dân.
cyf. <1897 Thomas Williams (Asaph Glyn Ebwy)

Tôn [878787]:
    mmrd|rmfmr|ssfr|drm (David Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)

Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd,
  Thou art fond of the tender lambs,
Gathering them and enfolding them
  In thy gentle, warm bosom.
Great is thy immeasurable love,
  Thou didst die for their sake!

Tender Shepherd, do not let them
  Wander forever from thy cosy fold;
Keep them under thy eye
  All along the narrow path;
They will be ravaged unless they are
  In thy sight at all times.

When they learn to praise thee,
  Like thy saints in a warm song;
Thou wilt get sacrifices of praise,
  A sweet lip, and a pure heart;
Then with thy saints in Paradise
  Their praise will set heaven on fire.
tr. 2012 Richard B Gillion
Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd,
  Little ones are dear to Thee;
Gathered with Thine arms and carried,
  In Thy bosom, may they be.
Sweetly, fondly, safely tended,
  From all want and danger free.

Tender Shepherd, never leave them,
  From Thy fold to go astray;
By Thy look of love directed,
  May they walk the narrow way:
Thus direct them and protect them,
  Lest they fall an easy prey.

Taught to lisp the holy praises
  Which on earth Thy children sing,
Both with lips and hearts unfeigned
  May they their thank-offerings bring:
Then, with all the saints in glory,
  Join to praise their Lord and King.
1845 Jane Eliza Leeson 1808-81
adapted 1857 by John Keble 1792-1866

Tunes [878787]:
    Dismissal (William L Viner 1790-1867)
    St Bede (1875 Philip Armes 1836-1908)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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