Gelynion creulon sydd yn llu

(Cwyno gan ormes gelynion)
Gelynion creulon sydd yn llu
    i'm gwrth'nebu;
Am hyn, atolwg, saf o'm tu,
    Arglwydd Iesu;
  Dal fi i'r lŕn er gwaetha'r ddraig
      a'i holl luoedd;
  Minnau folaf Had y wraig,
      yn oes oesoedd.

Os rhaid i'm ddyoddef ar fy nhaith,
    dywydd garw,
Cadw f'ysbyrd yn dy waith,
    hyd fy marw:
  Yn y babell gydâ'r arch,
      boed fy nghartre',
  A chadw yn fy enaid barch,
      i dy ddeddfau.

Er gorfod goddef llawer loes,
    ar eu teithiau,
Fe ddaw holl bwrcas
      gwaed y groes,
    yn iach adre';
  Er eu gweled yma yn drist,
      yn glyn wylofain,
  Pan d'oent i orphwys gydâ Christ,
      derfydd cwynfan.

Maddeu fy mhechodau i gyd,
    er mwyn Iesu,
Na cherydda fi yn dy lid,
    fel 'rwy'n haeddu:
  Grym fy llygredd fo'n gwanâu,
      yn feunddiol,
  A'r anian newydd yn cryfâu,
      yn dra nerthol.

'Rwy wedi blino ar y wlad,
    lle mae pechu,
Am dd'od adre' i dŷ fy Nhad,
    'rwy'n hiraethu:
  Bydd dy hunan Iesu mawr,
      yn fy nerthu,
  Na âd i'm roddi f'arfau i lawr,
      nes gorchfygu.
John Hughes 1775-1854

[Mesur: 848484/747474]

  Mynd a wnaf dan godi llef
  Os rhaid goddef ar fy nhaith
  Os rhaid im' ddyoddef ar fy nhaith

(Complaint under the oppression of enemies)
Cruel enemies are a force
    to oppose me;
Therefore, I pray, stand on my side,
    Lord Jesus;
  Hold me up despite the dragon
      and all his forces;
  As for me, I will praise the Woman's Seed,
      forever and ever.

If I must suffer on my journey,
    rough weather,
Keep my spirit in thy work,
    until I die:
  In the tabernacle with the ark,
      may my home be,
  And keep in my soul reverence
      for thy laws.

Despite having to endure much agony,
    on their journeys,
The whole purpose of the blood
      of the cross shall come
    safely home;
  Despite their looking sad here,
      in the vale of lamenting,
  When they come to rest with Christ,
      lamentation will cease.

Forgive all my sins,
    for the sake of Jesus,
Do not rebuke me in thy anger,
    as I deserve:
  May the force of my corruption be weakening,
  And the new nature strengthening,
      into very mighty.

I am wearied on the land,
    where there is sinning,
To come home to my Father's house,
    I am longing:
  Be thou thyself, great Jesus,
      strengthening me,
  Do not let me put my weapons down,
      until triumphing.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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