Ger bron ein Crëwr mawr

(Duw'n Greawdwr, Brenin, ac Iachawdwr.)
Ger bron ein Crëwr mawr,
  Ymostwng gweddus yw;
Yn nerth yn Hwn yr ydym oll
  Yn symud bod a byw.

Ein Brenin mawr yw Ef,
  I'w gyfraith ufyddhawn:
Trwy'r nef ni roir anrhydedd uwch
  Nag i ufydd-dod llawn.

Iachawdwr dynol ryw! -
  Yr enw ddaeth o'r groes:
O enw mawr! canolbwynt clod
  Fydd trwy'r dragwyddol oes.
W Emlyn Jones 1841-1914

Tôn [MB 6686]: Shawmut (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

(God as Creator, King and Saviour.)
Before our great Creator
  It is fitting to humble ourselves;
In the strength of Him we are all
  Moving, being and living.

Our great King is He
  To his law let us submit:
Throughout heaven no honour is to be given higher
  Than to submit fully.

Saviour of human kind! -
  The name that came from the cross:
O great name! The focus of praise
  It will be throughout the eternal age.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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