Gerbron gorseddfa Crëwr byd

Before Jehovah's awful throne

(Duw yn arolygu dros bob peth, ac yn haeddu mawl.)
Gerbron gorseddfa Crëwr byd‚
Ymgrymwch bobloedd dae'r i gyd:
  Efe yn unig sydd wir Dduw,
  Ac ynddo beunydd 'r y'm ni'n byw.

Diderfyn yw ei allu mawr,
E'n lluniodd ni
    o bridd y llawr;
  Ac er ein gwyro y'mhell o dre',
  E'n dygodd 'nol
      i deyrnas ne'.

I'w dŷ ni awn
    â'n mawl yn un,
Gan roddi'r clod i'w enw cun;
  Doed miloedd lawer
      at ei byrth,
  I ganmol gras
      ei ryfedd wyrth.

Tra ëang yw'th orchymyn di,
A'th serch, anfeidrol yw ei fri;
  Dy air a saif
      yr un o hyd,
  Pan ddelo barn
      a diwedd byd.
cyf. Crynhodeb o Hymnau Cristnogol (Daniel Jones) 1845

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(God overseeing everything, and deserving praise.)
Before the throne of the world's Creator,
Bow ye peoples of all the earth:
  He alone is a true God,
  And in him daily are we living.

Endless is his great power,
He designed us
    from the soil of the ground;
  And despite our swerving far from home,
  He brought us back
      to the kingdom of heaven.

To his house let us go
    with our praise as one,
Giving the acclaim to his dear name;
  Let many thousands
      come to his gates,
  To extol the grace
      of his wonderful miracle.

So wide is thy command,
And thy affection, infinite is its renown;
  Thy word shall stand
      the same always,
  When the judgment and
      the end of the world come.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
Before Jehovah's awful throne,
  Ye nations, bow with sacred joy;
Know that the Lord is God alone;
  He can create, and He destroy.

His sovereign power,
    without our aid,
  Made us of clay, and formed us men;
And when like wandering sheep
    we strayed,
  He brought us to His fold again.

We'll crowd Thy gates
    with thankful songs,
  High as the heavens our voices raise;
And earth,
    with her ten thousand tongues,
  Shall fill Thy courts
      with sounding praise.

Wide as the world is Thy command,
  Vast as eternity Thy love;
Firm as a rock Thy truth
    must stand,
  When rolling years
      shall cease to move.
1719 Isaac Watts 1674-1748
    (adapt. John Wesley 1703–91)

Andernach (Andernach Gesangbuch 1608)
Old Hundredth ("Geneva Psalter" 1551)
Park Street (c.1810 Frederick M A Venua 1788-1872)
Penshurst (1836 F Vincent Novello 1781-1861)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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