Glynwn gyda'r Iesu, Cyfaill dynol-ryw; Unwn oll i'w garu, Gan mor annwyl yw; Ffyddlon yw i'n cofio Â'i ddaioni drud: Glynwn ninnau wrtho, Cyfaill gorau'r byd. Glynwn gyda'r Iesu, Mae i ni yn frawd; Daeth yn un o'n teulu, Bu fel ni yn dlawd; Atom i'n cysuro Daeth i lawr o'r nef; Mae'n ein cofio eto, Cofiwn ninnau ef. Glynwn gyda'r Iesu, Ef yw'n Ceidwad ni; Er ein llwyr waredu Aeth i Galfari; Do, bu farw yno Ar y greulon groes: Glynwn ninnau wrtho Holl ddyddiau'n hoes.Ben Davies 1864-1937
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Let us stick with Jesus, Friend of human-kind; Let us all unite to love him, Since he is so dear; Faithful he is to remember us With his costly goodness: Let us indeed stick to him, The best friend of the world. Let us stick with Jesus, He is to us a brother; He became one of our family, He was, like us, poor; To us to comfort us He came down from heaven; He remembers us still, Let us too remember him. Let us stick with Jesus, He is our Saviour; To deliver us completely He went to Calvary; Yes, he died there On the cruel cross: Let us indeed stick to him All the days of our 2015 Richard B Gillion |