Gogoniant tragwyddol i'th enw fy Nuw

(Daioni Duw)
Gogoniant tragwyddol
    i'th enw, fy Nuw,
Mae'r byd yn dy gysgod
    yn bod ac yn byw;
  Ni flinaist fynd heibio
      i feiau di-ri'
  I gofio pechadur
      na chofia dydi.

Tydi sydd yn deilwng
    o'r bri a'r mawrhad,
Tydi roddodd fywyd
    a chynnydd i'r had;
  Tydi yn dy nefoedd
      aeddfedodd y grawn,
  Tydi roddodd ddyddiau'r
      cynhaeaf yn llawn.

Er maint y daioni
    a roddi mor hael,
Tu cefn i'th drugaredd
    mae digon i'w gael;
  Llawenydd yw cofio,
      er cymaint a roed,
  Fod golud y nefoedd
      mor fawr ag erioed.
Evan Rees (Dyfed) 1850-1923

Tonau []:
  Croesor (David J de Lloyd 1883-1948)
    (The Supplement to the New Version of Psalms 1708)
Joanna (alaw Gymreig)
Montgomery (John Stanley 1713-86)
Wareham (William Knapp 1698-1768)

(The goodness of God)
Eternal glory
    to thy name, my God,
The world is in thy shadow
    being and living;
  Thou didst not weary of passing by
      innumerable sins
  To remember the sinner
      who remembers not thee.

Thou art worthy
    of the honour and the exaltation,
Thou who gavest life
    and growth to the seed;
  Thou in thy heavens
      matured the grain,
  Thou who gavest the days
      of the harvest fully.

Because of the extent of the goodness
    which gives so generously,
Behind thy mercy
    there is enough to be had;
  Joy is remembering,
      though so much was given,
  That the wealth of the heavens is
      as great as ever.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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