Gogoniant byth i'r Iesu

("A rhoddwn ogoniant iddo Ef.")
Gogoniant byth i'r Iesu,
  Tywysog nef a llawr,
Ein cofio wnaeth a'n caru
  Yn nhragwyddoldeb mawr:
Dyrchafwn ddiolch iddo
  Am wisgo natur dyn,
I'w phrynu, a'i phrydferthu
  Â'i ddelw hardd Ei hun.

Gogoniant byth i'r Iesu
  Am farw ar y groes;
Mae bywyd wedi'i brynu
  I ni drwy'i angau loes;
Ar orsedd Ei ogoniant
  Mae'n eiriol yn y nef,
Am nerth i ni orchfygu
  Nes cyrraedd ato Ef.
W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854-1938

Tonau [7676D]:
New York (George J Webb 1803-87)
Plaistow (Franz Josef Haydn 1732-1809)

("And let us give glory unto Him.")
Glory forever to Jesus,
  Prince of heaven and earth,
He remembered us and loved us
  In a great eternity:
Let us raise thanks to him
  For wearing the nature of man,
To redeem it, and to beautify it
  With His own beautiful image.

Glory forever to Jesus
  For dying on the cross;
Life has been bought
  For us through his bitter death;
On the throne of His glory
  He is interceding in heaven,
For strength for us to overcome
  Until we arrive at Him.
tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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