Gogoniant byth i enw Duw

(Achub hyd yr eithaf)
Gogoniant byth i enw Duw,
  Trugarog yw'r Goruchaf;
Ei gariad roes ar euog fyd,
  Mae'n achub hyd yr eithaf.

Er gwrthryfela wrth fwynhau
  Ei drugareddau mwyaf,
A thorri'i ddeddfau glān cyhyd,
  Mae'n achub hyd yr eithaf.

Mae gras y nef yn olau pur
  Ar y pechadur pennaf;
Yng nghanol nos gofidiau'r byd,
    Mae'n achub hyd yr eithaf.

Er imi orwedd yn fy ngwaed
  Dan draed y gelyn duaf,
Dihangfa gaf o'm gwae i gyd,
  Mae'n achub hyd yr eithaf.

Af i Galfaria drwy bob loes,
  Ac wrth y groes y glynaf;
Caf yno ganu - gwyn fy myd! -
  Mae'n achub hyd yr eithaf.
Evan Rees (Dyfed) 1850-1923

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Eisenach (J H Schein 1586-1630)
Ely (Thomas Turton 1780-1864)
Gwynle (J Charles McLean 1857-1952)

(Saving to the uttermost)
Glory forever to the name of God,
  Merciful is the Most High;
His love he put over a guilty world,
  He is saving to the uttermost.

Despite rebellion against enjoying
  His greatest mercies,
And breaking his holy laws for so long,
  He is saving to the uttermost.

Heaven's grace is pure light
  On the chief of sinners;
In the midnight of the world's griefs,
  He is saving to the uttermost.

Despite my lying in my blood
  Under the feet of the blackest enemy,
An escape I shall get from all my woe,
  He is saving to the uttermost.

I will go to Calvary through all anguish,
  And to the cross I will cling;
There I may get to sing - blessed am I! -
  He is saving to the uttermost.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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