Gogoniant byth i'r anwyl un

1,(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16);  1,2,[4a+3b],5;  1,2,4,9.
(Buddugoliaeth y saint)
Gogoniant byth i'r anwyl un,
  A dynodd golyn angau;
Ysbeiliodd uffern fawr ei grym,
  A rhyddion ydym ninau.

Gorchfygodd Iesu ar brydnawn,
  Y ddraig a'i llawn gynllwynion;
A'i waed a roddodd i'n glanhau,
  A'n cànu ninau'n wynion.

Chwi sereiff a cherudiaid glân,
  Eich dawn rho'wch eich tanau,
Y ddwyfol law a'n cododd ni,
  A'ch cadwodd chwi rhag syrthio.

O dewch, angylion, pa'm na ddewch,
  A chyd chwarewch eich tànau;
A boed i sain Calfaria fryn,
  Ail enyn eich telynau.

Os chwi a genwch am eich dal
  A'ch cynal trwy ei allu,
Ein dyled ni'n fyrdd mwy a gaed
  Am roi ei waed i'n prynu.

Ni ydym hil y codwm mawr,
  Aeth gynt i lawr yn Adda;
Caed modd i'n gwneyd
    yn gwbl iach,
  Ar fynydd bach Calfaria.

Hosanna, cawsom feddu'r wlad,
  Yr hon a rad addawyd,
Lle gwelir mawredd
    gwir Fab Mair,
  A gwerth y gair

Chwi batrieirch, deuwch, t'rewch y dôn,
  Ac apostolion hefyd;
A'r hen ferthyron yn mhob oes,
  Dros Grist a roes eu bywyd.

Dadsienied grymus anthem gref,
  Organau'r nef ogoned,
I enw'r Duwdod yn y dyn,
  Pob dawn yn un enyned.

Ag aur delynau'n gor di lyth,
  Heb orfod byth ymado,
Cawn gyd-fwynhau
    tragwyddol hedd,
  A'n gweddyn debyg iddo.

O ffrwth ei loes a Galfari,
  Cawn fedi'r hir orfodaeth;
Hen glwyfau Eden -
    tynwyd hwy,
  Ni welwn mwy farwolaeth.

Myrdd mwy dyogel yw'r wlad lwys
  Na hen baradwys Adda;
Ni ddaw dim pechod, braw na chur,
  Na gelyn a'mur yma.

O angau taeog! dywed hyn,
  P'le mae dy golyn bellach?
A pha le mae, O uffern gaeth!
  Dy fuddygoliaeth mwyach?

O teilwng! teilwng! ydyw'r oen,
  A ddygodd boen ein beiau,
Nid hwy fydd trawyddoldeb chwaith
  Na hyd ein maith ganiadau.

Am gyflawn dâl y prynwyd ni
  O'n holl drueni marwol,
Ar pridweth ar Galfaria fryn
  Yw'n testyn yn dragwyddol.

I Dduw bo'r diolch, rhoddi wnaeth
  In' fyddygoliaeth hylwydd,
Gorfodaeth ar bob gelyn trist,
  Trwy Iesu Grist ein Harglwydd.
Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Ceridwen (<1962)
Degannwy (Benjamin Williams 1839-1918)
Llangranog (John Parry 1787-1866)
Morgannwg (hen alaw)
Penllyn/Sabbath (John Williams 1740-1821)
St Alban's (Coral Ellmynig)

gwelir: Gorchfygodd Iesu un prydnawn

(The victory of the saints)
Glory forever to the beloved one,
  Who pulled out the sting of death;
He spoiled hell with its great force,
  And free are we.

Jesus overcame on an afternoon,
  The dragon and his full schemes;
With his blood he gave to cleanse us,
  He will bleach us white.

Ye holy seraphim and cherubim,
  Your talent give ye forth to him,
The divine hand which raised us,
  Has kept you from falling.

O come, angels, why not come,
  And together play your strings;
And let the sound of Calvary hill,
  Re-kindle your harps.

If ye sing about your being held
  And your being upheld through his power,
Our duty is found to be a myriad more
  For giving his blood to redeem us.

We who are the race of the great fall,
  Once went down in Adam;
A means was got to make us
    completely whole,
  On the little mount of Calvary.

Hosanna, we got to possess the land,
  That which was graciously promised,
Where is to be seen the majesty
    of the true Son of Mary,
  And the worth of the word
      "It is finished."

Ye patriarchs, come, strike the tune,
  And apostles also;
And the ancient martyrs in every age,
  Who for Christ gave their life.

Let the strong anthem forcefully resound,
  The organs of the heaven of glory,
To the name of the Godhead in the man,
  Let every talent as one be kindled.

With golden harps as an unfailing choir,
  Without ever having to leave,
We shall get to enjoy together
    eternal peace,
  And our countenance resembling him.

From the fruit of his anguish on Calvary,
  We shall get to reap the long triumph;
The old wounds of Eden -
    they were taken away,
  We shall see mortality no longer.

A myriad times more safe is the fair land
  Than the old paradise of Adam;
No sin shall ever come, terror or pain,
  Nor any impure enemy here.

O cringing death, tell this!
  Where is thy sting henceforth?
And what place is, O captive hell,
  Thy victory any more?

O worthy, worthy is the lamb,
  Who took away the pain of our faults!
They shall not be eternity either
  Nor the length of our vast songs.

For full payment we were ransomed
  From all our mortal wretchedness,
And the ransom on Calvary hill
  Is our theme eternally.

To God be the thanks, give he did
  To us speedy victory,
Supremacy over every sad enemy,
  Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
tr. 2016,17 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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