Gogoniant Duw y Tad
Gogoniant i Dduw'r Tad

Glory to God the Father's name

(I'r Drindod)
Gogoniant Duw y Tad
  Fo'n wastad yn ein genau;
O'i gariad cyntaf cawsom oll
  Ffynnon ein holl ganiadau.

Chwi Seintiau seiniwch glod
  A'ch tafod i'r Mab Iesu;
Yr hwn ei fywyd annwyl roes
  Ar bren y groes i'ch prynu.

I'r Ysbryd Glān rhown fawl,
  A chān drag'wyddol gyson;
Sy'n dwyn, o'i ras,
    a'i lewyrch mawr
  Wir iechyd 'lawr i ddynion.

Pan fyddo'n eglurhau
  I Dduw ddileu'n pechodau,
Y gwaed a'r dwfr o'm mewn bob un
  Fo'n tystio'r unrhyw bethau.

I'r uchel Un a Thri,
  Sy'n selio i ni faddeuant -
Tad, Mab, ac Ysbryd - yn ddi-lyth
  Y rhodder byth ogoniant.

           - - - - -

Gogoniant i Dduw'r Tad
  Fo'n wastad yn ein genau;
O'i gariad ef y cawsom oll
  Ffynnon ein holl ganiadau.

Cydseiniwn hefyd glod
  Ā'n tafod i'r Mab Iesu;
Yr hwn, o'i fodd, ei fywyd roes
  Ar bren y groes i'n prynu.

Rhown fawl i'r Ysbryd Glān,
  Ar gān dragwyddol gyson;
Yr hwn, o'i ras, sy'n dwyn yn awr
  Ddiddanwch mawr i ddynion.

I'r uchel Un yn Dri
  Sy'n selio i ni faddeuant -
Tad, Mab, ac Ysbryd - yn ddi-lyth
  Y rhodder byth ogoniant.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

Tonau [MBC 6787]:
  Bedwellty (Owen H Davies 1828-98)
Cemmaes (John Williams 1740-1821)
Gwalchmai (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Meirion (M Pughe)
Nefydd (<1875)

(To the Trinity)
The glory of God the Father
  Be constantly in our mouths;
Of his love first we all got
  The fount of all our songs.

Ye Saints, sound acclaim
  With your tongue to the Son Jesus;
Who his dear life gave
  On the wood of the cross to redeem you.

To the Holy Spirit let us render praise,
  With a constant eternal song;
Who brings, of his grace,
    and his great radiance
  True healing down to men.

When he makes it clear to us
  That God removes our sin,
May the blood and the water within each one
  Be testifying the same things.

To the high One and Three,
  Who is sealing for us forgiveness -
Father, Son, and Spirit - unfailingly
  Be glory forever given.

                 - - - - -
Glory to God the Father
  Be constantly in our mouths;
Of his love we all got
  The fount of all our songs.

Let us sound together also acclaim
  With our tongue to the Son Jesus;
Who, voluntarily, gave his life
  On the wood of the crss to redeem us.

Let us render praise to the Holy Spirit,
  In a constant eternal song;
Who, of his grace, is bringing now
  Great comfort to men.

To the high One in Three
  Who is sealing for us forgiveness -
Father, Son, and Spirit - unfailingly
  Be glory forever given.
tr. 2012,23 Richard B Gillion
Glory to God the Father's name,
  Who, from our sinful race,
Chose out his favourites to proclaim
  The honours of his grace.

Glory to God the Son be paid
  Who dwelt in humble clay,
And, to redeem us from the dead,
  Gave his own life away.

Glory to God the Spirit give,
  From whose almighty power
Our souls their
    heavenly birth derive,
  And bless the happy hour.

Glory to God that reigns above,
  The eternal Three-in-One,
Who, by the wonders of his love,
  Has made his nature known.

              - - - - -

Glory to God the Father's name,
  Who, from our sinful race,
Chose out his favourites to proclaim
  The honours of his grace.

Glory to God the Son be paid
  Who dwelt in humble clay,
And, to redeem us from the dead,
  Gave his own life away.

Glory to God the Spirit give,
  From whose almighty power
Our souls their heavenly birth derive,
  And bless the happy hour.

Glory to God that reigns above,
  The eternal Three-in-One,
Who, by the wonders of his love,
  Has made his nature known.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tunes [CM 8686]:
Fernay (Samuel Holyoke 1762-1820)
Lafayette (John B Herbert 1852-1927)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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