Gogoniant mawl a bri i Grist ein Hiôr/Ior

All glory laud and honour

(Sul y Blodau: Gorymdeithiol)
    Gogoniant, mawl a bri
      i Grist ein Ior,
    Hosanna! canai'r plant
      yn felys gor.

Mab Dafydd wyt,
  a Brenin Israel wiw,
Bendigaid Deyrn yn dod
  yn Enw Duw:

Angylion nef,
  trigolion gwlad y gwawl,
Y ddynol hil,
  y cread oll a'th fawl:

Y dorf Hebreaidd gynt,
  a phalmmwydd glan,
Dilynent Di:
  awn ni a gweddi a chant:

Hwy a'th foliannent
  ar dy daith i'r bedd,
Nyni a'th folwn
  ar dy freiniol sedd:

Buost fodlon iddynt hwy,
  O! trugarha,
Wrth sel ein calon ni,
 O! Frenin da:

         - - - - -

Gogoniant, mawl a bri
    i Grist ein Iôr,
Hosanna! canai'r plant
    yn felys gôr;
  Mab Dafydd wyt,
      a Brenin Israel wiw,
  Bendigaid Deyrn yn dod
      yn Enw Duw.

Angylion nef,
    trigolion gwlad y gwawl,
Y ddynol hil,
    y cread oll a'th fawl:
  Gogoniant, mawl a bri
      i Grist ein Iôr,
  Hosanna! canai'r plant
      yn felys gôr.

Y dorf Hebreaidd gynt,
    a phalmmwydd glan,
Dilynent Di:
    awn ni a gweddi a chân;
  Gogoniant, mawl a bri
      i Grist ein Iôr,
  Hosanna! canai'r plant
      yn felys gôr.

Hwy a'th foliannent
    ar dy daith i'r bedd,
Nyni a'th folwn ar
    dy freiniol sedd;
  Gogoniant, mawl a bri
      i Grist ein Iôr,
  Hosanna! canai'r plant
      yn felys gôr.

Buost fodlon iddynt hwy,
    O! trugarha,
Wrth sel ein calon ni,
    O! Frenin da:
  Gogoniant, mawl a bri
      i Grist ein Iôr,
  Hosanna! canai'r plant
      yn felys gôr.
Hwy a'th foliannent :: Hwynt-hwy a'th folent
ar dy freiniol sedd :: ar frenhinol sedd
Buost fodlon iddynt hwy :: Eu mawl dderbyniaist ti
O! Frenin da :: O Fugail da

cyf. John Williams (Ab Ithel) 1811-62

Tôn []:
Ffigysbren (Hen Garol Gymraeg)
  Sandecotes (<1959)
Song 22 (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)

(Palm Sunday: Processional)
    Glory, praise and acclaim
      to Christ our Lord,
    Hosanna! sang the children
      as a sweet choir.

The son of David art thou,
  and worthy King of Israel,
Blessed Ruler coming
  in the Name of God:

The angels of heaven,
  residents of the land of light,
The human race,
  all creation praises thee:

The throng of Hebrews once
  with holy palms
Followed Thee:
  let us go and shout and chant:

They were extolling thee
  on thy journey to the grave,
We will praise thee
  on thy royal throne:

Thou wast pleased with them,
  Oh, have mercy
On the zeal of our heart,
  O good King!

            - - - - -

Glory, praise and acclaim
    to Christ our Lord,
Hosanna! sang the children
    as a sweet choir.
  The son of David art thou,
      and worthy King of Israel,
  Blessed Ruler coming
      in the Name of God:

The angels of heaven,
    residents of the land of light,
The human race,
    all creation praises thee:
  Glory, praise and acclaim
      to Christ our Lord,
  Hosanna! sang the children
      as a sweet choir.

The throng of Hebrews once
    with holy palms
Followed Thee:
    let us go and shout and chant:
  Glory, praise and acclaim
      to Christ our Lord,
  Hosanna! sang the children
      as a sweet choir.

They were extolling thee
    on thy journey to the grave,
We will praise thee
    on thy royal throne:
  Glory, praise and acclaim
      to Christ our Lord,
  Hosanna! sang the children
      as a sweet choir.

Thou wast pleased with them,
    Oh, have mercy
On the zeal of our heart,
    O good King!
  Glory, praise and acclaim
      to Christ our Lord,
  Hosanna! sang the children
      as a sweet choir.
on thy royal throne :: on a royal throne
Thou wast pleased with them :: Their praise thou didst receive
O good King! :: O good Shepherd

tr. 2013,16 Richard B Gillion

    All glory, laud and honour,
      To Thee, Redeemer, King,
    To whom the lips of children
      Made sweet hosannas ring.

Thou art the king of Israel,
  Thou David’s royal Son,
Who in the Lord’s name comest,
  The King and Blessèd One.

The company of angels
  Are praising Thee on High,
And mortal men and all things
  Created make reply.

The people of the Hebrews
  With palms before Thee went;
Our prayer and praise and anthems
  Before Thee we present.

To Thee, before Thy passion,
  They sang their hymns of praise;
To Thee, now high exalted,
  Our melody we raise.

Thou didst accept their praises;
  Accept the prayers we bring,
Who in all good delightest,
  Thou good and gracious King.

            - - - - -

All glory, laud and honour,
  To Thee, Redeemer, King,
To whom the lips of children
  Made sweet hosannas ring.
Thou art the king of Israel,
  Thou David's royal Son,
Who in the Lord’s name comest,
  The King and Blessèd One.

The company of angels
  Are praising Thee on High,
And mortal men and all things
  Created make reply.
All glory, laud and honour,
  To Thee, Redeemer, King,
To whom the lips of children
  Made sweet hosannas ring.

The people of the Hebrews
  With palms before Thee went;
Our prayer and praise and anthems
  Before Thee we present.
All glory, laud and honour,
  To Thee, Redeemer, King,
To whom the lips of children
  Made sweet hosannas ring.

To Thee, before Thy passion,
  They sang their hymns of praise;
To Thee, now high exalted,
  Our melody we raise.
All glory, laud and honour,
  To Thee, Redeemer, King,
To whom the lips of children
  Made sweet hosannas ring.

Thou didst accept their praises;
  Accept the prayers we bring,
Who in all good delightest,
  Thou good and gracious King.
All glory, laud and honour,
  To Thee, Redeemer, King,
To whom the lips of children
  Made sweet hosannas ring.

tr. 1851 John M Neale 1818-66
from the Latin:
Gloria, laus, et honor
  (Theodulph of Orleans 760-821)

Tune [7676D]: St Theodulph
  (Melchior Teschner 1584-1635)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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