Gair ein Nuw sydd oleu nerthol
Gair fy Nuw sydd oleu nerthol
Golau a nerthol yw dy eiriau
Goleu a nerthol yw dy eiriau
Goleu nerthol yw dy eiriau

(Gair Crist, ei bresennoldeb, a'i enw.)
1,2,3,(4);  1,3,4.
Goleu a nerthol yw dy eiriau, Melus fel y diliau mêl, Cadarn fel y bryniau pwysig; Angeu'm Iesu yw eu sêl; Rhai'n a nertha'm henaid gerdded Dyrys, anial, ffordd yn mlaen; Rhai'n a gynnal f'enaid egwan, Yn y dŵr ac yn y tân. Holl bleserau maith y ddaear, Rhai a gais brenhinoedd byd, Cyfoeth, rhwysg, gogoniant, mawredd, A rhyw fyrdd o bethau 'nghyd, Fyth ni cheisiaf, tra fo bywyd, Dim ond edrych ar dy wedd - Teimlo arwyddion hyfryd gariad Nes disgynwyf lawr i'm bedd. Gwedd dy wyneb sy'n rhagori Ar drysorau'r India draw; Mae awelon pur dy gariad Yn dwyn gwobr yn eu llaw; Perffaith bleser heb ddim diwedd, Perffaith gysur heb ddim trai, Yn y stormydd mawr, cynddeiriog, Yw yn unig dy fwynhau. Tyred gyda mi trwy'r fyddin, Gyda mi yn erbyn llu; Yn dy enw mi goncweraf Bawb sy'n sathru d'enw cu; D'enw di a faeddodd angeu, Faeddodd uffern fawr ei grym, Ni wyneba cnawd a phechod Bellach mo dy enw ddim.
- - - - -

(Nerth a dyddanwch y Bibl)

Goleu a nerthol yw ei eiriau,
  Melus fel y diliau mêl,
Cadarn fel y bryniau pwysig,
  Angeu'm Iesu yw eu sêl;
Rhai'n a nertha'm henaid gerdded
  Dyrys anial ffordd ymlaen;
Rhai'n a gynnal f'enaid egwan,
  Yn y dŵr ac yn y tân.

Nis gall holl hyfrydwch natur
  A'i melusdra pena' ma's,
Fyth gymharu â lleferydd
  Hyfryd pur, maddeuol râs;
Gad im' glywed swn dy eiriau,
  Awdurdodol eiriau'r nef,
Oddi mewn yn creu hyfrydwch
  Nad oes mo'i gyffelyb ef.
Goleu a nerthol :: Goleu nerthol
- - - - -

(Ddyddanwch Gair Duw)

Gair ein Duw sydd oleu, nerthol,
  Melus fel y diliau mêl,
Cadarn fel y bryniau pwysig,
  Angeu'm Iesu yw ei sêl;
Hwn a nertha'm henaid rodio
  'M dyrys anial ffordd yn mlaen
Hwn a gynal f'enaid egwan
  Yn y dwr ac yn y tân.

Nid yw holl hyfrydwch natur,
  Na'r hyfrydwch pena' ma's,
I'w gymharu â lleferydd
  Hyfryd, pur, maddeuol ras;
Gâd im' glywed swn dy eiriau,
  Awdurdodol eiriau'r nef;
O fy mewn yn creu hyfrydwch
  Nad oes mo'i gyffelyb ef.
- - - - -

(Gair Duw)

Gair fy Nuw sydd oleu nerthol,
  Melus fel y diliau mêl,
Cadarn fel y bryniau oesol,
  Angeu Iesu yw ei sêl;
Hwn a nertha'm henaid rodio'r
  Dyrys anial ffordd yn mlaen
Hwn a gynal f'enaid egwan
  Yn y dw'r ac yn y tân.

Yma rhedo'm myfyrdodau,
  Ar drysorau mawr y gair;
Dawn ac iechyd i fy ysbryd,
  Grym a bywyd i mi bair;
Mi anturia'r oll a feddaf
  Ar y gair cadarnaf gwiw;
Cwyd fi fyny, ceidw f'enaid,
  Mae fy nodded yn fy Nuw.   [BF]
William Williams 1717-91
Ffarwel Weledig 1763

[BF] Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tonau [8787D]:
Bethany (Henry Smart 1812-79)
Hannah (David Roberts 1820-72)
Hyfrydol (R H Prichard 1811-87)
Llangan (alaw Gymreig)
Moriah (alaw Gymreig)
Prysgol (William Owen 1813-93)
Vienna (Franz Joseph Haydn 1732-1809)

gwelir: O llefara addfwyn Iesu

(The word of Christ, his presence, and his name.)
Light and strong are thy words, Sweet like the combs of honey, Firm like the weighty hills; The death of my Jesus is their seal; Some shall strengthen my soul to walk A troublesome, desert, road along; Some shall support my weak soul, In the water and in the fire. All the vast pleasures of the earth, Those which the kings of the world seek, Wealth, splendour, glory, majesty, And some myriads of things altogether, Never shall I seek, while there is life, Anything but to look on thy countenance - To feel delightful signs of love Until I descend down to my grave. The countenance of thy face is exceeding The treasures of distant India; The pure breezes of thy love are Bringing a prize in their hand; Perfect pleasure without any end, Perfect comfort without any ebbing, In the great, furious storms, Is only to enjoy thee. Come with me through the troop, With me against a host; In thy name I shall conquer Everyone who is trampling thy dear name; Thy name which beat death, Beat hell of great force, Flesh and sin shall not confront Henceforth thy name at all.
- - - - -

(The strength and comfort of the Bible)

Light and strong are thy words,
  Sweet like the combs of honey,
Firm like the weighty hills,
  The death of my Jesus is their seal;
Some shall strengthen my soul to walk
  A troublesome, desert road along;
Some shall support my weak soul,
  In the water and in the fire.

Not all the loveliness of nature can
  With its sweetness - the chief there is,
Ever compare with the delightful,
  Pure speech or forgiving grace;
Let me hear the sound of thy words,
  The authoritative words of heaven,
From within creating loveliness
  The like of which there is not.
Light and strong :: A strong light
- - - - -

(The Delight of the Word of God)

The word of our God is light, strong,
  Sweet like the combs of honey,
Strong like the weighty hills,
  The death of my Jesus is its seal;
This shall strengthen my soul to walk
  My troublesome desert road onwards
This shall support my weak soul
  In the water and in the fire.

All the delight of nature is not,
  Nor the chief delight there is,
To be compared with the delightful,
  Pure, speech of forgiving grace;
Let me hear the sound of thy words,
  The authoritative words of heaven;
From within me creating delight
  The like of which there is not.
- - - - -

(The Word of God)

The Word of my God is strong light,
  Sweet like the combs of honey,
Firm like the age-old hills,
  The death of Jesus is their seal;
He shall strengthen my soul to wander the
  Troublesome, desert road along;
He shall support my weak soul
  In the water and in the fire.

Here shall run my meditations,
  On the great treasures of the word;
Gift and health to my spirit,
  Force and life to cause to me;
I shall venture all I possess
  On the firmest, true word;
Raise me up, keep my soul,
  My refuge is in my God.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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