Gorphenwyd! medd ein Iesu mawr, A'i fywyd roes o'i fodd i lawr; Gorphenwyd! do fe gaed y dydd, Fe dalwyd Iawn, daw'r caeth yn rhydd. Gorphenwyd cynghor Duw heb goll, Y ddeddf a'r addewidion oll; Cyflawnwyd y rhai hyn i gyd Yn Iesu Prynwr mawr y byd. Gorphenwyd! medd ei olaf lef Y newydd ffordd o'n daear i'r Nef, Caiff miloedd o fyrddiynau mwy Faddeuant rhad trwy farwol glwy'. Gorphenwyd! medd y ddae'r a'r Nef, Gorphenwyd iachawdwraeth gref; Mae deddf a chariad yn gytun Yn gwneud eu trigfan gyda dyn. Gorphenwyd! clywch y gair i gyd, O hyfryd sain amgylcha'r byd; Gorphenwyd! aed yr adsain lon Trwy nef y nef, a'r ddaear gron. y rhai hyn i gyd :: nôd y rhai'n i gyd cyf. Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845
Tonau [MH 8888]: |
"It is finished!" said our great Jesus, And his life he laid voluntarily down; "It is finished!" yes, he got the day, He paid a Satisfaction, the captive comes free. Finished was the counsel of God without loss, The law and all the promises; Fulfilled were all these In Jesus the great Redeemer of the world. "It is finished!" said his last cry The new way from our earth to Heaven, Thousands of myriads get evermore Free forgiveness through a mortal wound. "It is finished!" said the earth and Heaven, Strong salvation was finished; Law and love in agreement Making their dwelling with man. "It is finished!" hear ye all the word, O delightful sound that surrounds the world; "It is finished!" let the cheerful echo go Through the heaven of heaven, and the round earth. were all these :: was the aim of all these tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |
'Tis finished; so the Saviour cried, And meekly bowed his head and died: 'Tis finished; yes, the work is done, The battle fought, the victory won. 'Tis finished: all that heaven decreed, And all the ancient prophets said, Is now fulfilled, as long designed, In me, the Saviour of mankind. 'Tis finished: this my dying groan Shall sins of every kind atone: Millions shall be redeemed from death, By this, my last expiring breath. 'Tis finished: heaven is reconciled, And all the powers of darkness spoiled: Peace, love, and happiness again Return and dwell with sinful men. 'Tis finished: let the joyful sound Be heard through all the nations round: 'Tis finished: let the echo fly Through heaven and hell, through earth and sky. Tune [LM 8888]: Stirling (Ralph Harrison 1748-1810) |