Gosod babell y'ngwlad Gosen
Gosod babell yng ngwlad Gosen
Gosod babell yn ngwlad Gosen

Gosod babell yng ngwlad Gosen,
  Tyred, Arglwydd, yno'th hun,
Disgyn o'r uchelder golau,
  Gwna dy drigfan gyda dyn;
Tyr'd i Seion, aros yno,
  Lle mae'r llwythau'n d'od ynghyd,
Byth na 'mâd oddi wrth dy bobol
  Nes yn ulw'r elo'r byd.

Blinais ar afonydd Babel,
  Nid oes yno ond wylo i gyd:
Llais telynau hyfryd Sïon
  Sydd yn cyson ddenu 'mryd:
Tyr'd â ni yn dorf gariadus
  O gaethiwed Babel fawr,
Ac nes bôm ar fynydd Seion,
  Na'd in' orphwys munud awr.

Dacw'r Brenhin yn ei degwch,
  Wele'i Briod wrth ei glun;
Gwedd ei wyneb sy'n rhagori
  'Mhell ar wedd wynebpryd dyn;
Dyma ddydd, dydd ei ddyweddi,
  Dyma'r briodasol wledd;
Dyma'r dydd caiff pererinion
  Yfed o'i dragwyddol hedd.
yno'th hun :: yno D'hun
Tyr'd i :: Trig yn
Seion :: Sïon

1762 William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
Arfon (alaw Ffrengig)
Bavaria (Felix Mendelssohn 1809-47)
Eifionydd (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Gaerwen (alaw Americanaidd)
Gorffwysfa/Gorphwysfa (1877 J H Roberts)
Hamburgh (<1876)
Hyfrydol (R H Pritchard 1811-87)
Moriah (alaw Gymreig)

  Blinais ar afonydd Babel
  Mae fy nghalon am ehedeg
  Mae rhyw foroedd o drugaredd
  O am nerth i dreulio'm dyddiau
  O Iachawdwr pechaduriaid
  Pam y caiff bwystfilod rheibus?

Pitch thy tent in the land of Goshen,
  Come thyself, Lord, to abide there,
Descend from the bright heights,
  Make thy dwelling with men.
Come to Zion, remain there,
  Whither the tribes go up,
Do not ever abandon thy people
  Until to ashes goes the world.

I wearied of Babylon's rivers,
  There is nothing there but all weeping:
The voice of Zion's lovely harps
  Were constantly drawing my attention:
Bring us as a loving multitude
  From the captivity of great Babylon,
And until we are on mount Zion,
  Do not let us rest for even a minute.

Yonder is the King in his fairness,
  See his bride on his knee;
Fair his face which is surpassing
  By far the countenance of man's face;
Behold the day, the day of his betrothal,
  Behold the marriage feast,
Behold the day when pilgrims may
  Drink from his eternal peace.
Come to :: Abide in

tr. 2010,11 Richard B Gillion

Fix, O Lord, a tent in Goshen,
  Thither come and there abide,
Bow thyself from light celestial,
  And with sinful man reside.
Dwell in Zion, there continue,
  Where the holy tribes ascend;
Do not e'er desert thy people,
  Till the world in flames shall end.
tr. (ed.) 1873 John Jenkins

Tune [8787D]: Moriah (alaw Gymreig)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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