Gosodwyd dyn yn Eden dir, Yn degwch i'r greedigaeth; Ei gwymp ym mhell oddi wrth ei Dduw Galarus yw, ysywaeth! Pan gollwyd diniweidrwydd pur, Y ffordd i gur agorwyd; A delw Duw, drwy dwyll y Fall, Mawr oedd y gwall, a gollwyd! Pan ddarostyngwyd dyn i lawr, Dan adwyth mawr, niweidiol, Daeth ef yn elyn, drwg ei ryw, Anufudd i Dduw nefol. I lwyr-lanhau, a golchi'n gu Euogrwydd du y llygriad, Ac achub dyn, un gŵr ni cha'ed, Heb dywallt gwaed, yn GEIDWAD! Y pechod du, o'r ofid caeth Esgorodd; gwnaeth ysgariad: Rhwng Duw a dyn; e weithiai'r clwy' Ofnadwy gyfnewidiad! Addewid rho'ed o Hâd y Wraig, I sathru Draig y drygau; Drwy farw ar y geulawn groes; 'Nol dwyn ei oes dan eisiau. Prophwydwyd am yr Iesu glân, A'r lle, a'r gân, y genid; Yn ol y gair ym Methl'em dref Y ganwyd ef i ofid. 'Nol tòri doeth orchymyn Duw Aeth dyno-ryw dan felldith: Ond ca'ed wrth oddef dwyfol gur Bob undeb pur a bendith!efel. David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822 Corph y Gaingc 1810 Caniadau Duwiol i Ieuenctid Cymru [Mesur: MS 8787] |
Man was put in Eden land, In the fairness of the creation; His fall far away from his God Lamentable is, alas! When pure innocence was lost, The way to pain was opened; And the image of God, through the deceit of the evil One, Great was the lie, and it was lost! When man was brought down, Under great, harmful evil, He became an enemy, of a wicked kind, Disobedient to to heavenly God. To completely cleanse, and wash dearly The black guilt of corruption, And save man, no man was ever had, Without the shedding of blood, as a SAVIOUR! The black sin, from the captive grief It brought to birth; it made a parting: Between God and man; it would make the wound A terrible exchange! A promise he made from the Seed of the Woman, To shoot the Dragon of the evils; Through dying on the cruel cross; After bringing his age under necessity. It was prophesied about the pure Jesus, And the place he would be born, and the song that would be sung; According to the word in Bethlehem town He was born for grief. After breaking the wise commandment of God Man-kind went under a curse: But through suffering divine pain was got Every pure union and blessing!tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |
Adam in Paradise was placedIsaac Watts 1674-1748