Gristion gweithia dros yr Iesu

Gristion, gweithia dros yr Iesu,
Weithiodd drosot i'th waredu;
  Gweithio erddo rydd lawenydd -
  Gwenau Duw, a'i fendith beunydd.

Gweithia, gyda llygad effro
Genfydd ddynion sydd yn crwydro;
  Rhed yn fuan er eu gwared,
  Dangos iddynt ddrws agored.

Rhed, gwareda'r meddwyn truan,
Waria'i enaid gyda'i arian:
  Dos a dwg y gwrthgiliedig
  At yr Iesu bendigedig.

Dos, ymwêl â'r gweddwon tlodion,
A difera i'w trallodion
  Falm tosturi a haelioni,
  I'w cysuro hwy a'u llonni.

Caru dynion a'u gwasnaethu,
Dyma'r ffordd i garu'r Iesu;
  A chawn gyfran o'i lawenydd
  A'i ogoniant yn dragywydd.
David Adams (Hawen) 1845-1923

Tôn [8888]: Llantrisant (alaw Gymreig)

Christian, work for Jesus,
Who worked to deliver thee;
  Working for him will bestow joy -
  God's smiles, and his daily blessing.

Work, with an eye awake
Which will find men who are wandering;
  Run soon for their deliverance,
  Show them an open door.

Run, deliver the pitiful drunkard,
Who spends his soul with his money:
  Come and bring the backslidden
  To blessed Jesus.

Come, visit the poor widows,
And drip to their tribulations
  The balm of mercy and generosity,
  To comfort them and cheer them.

Love men and serve them,
This is the way to love Jesus;
  And we may get a share of his joy
  And his glory in eternity.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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