Grist'nogion clywch cyferch yn nghyd

Christians awake salute the happy morn

Grist'nogion clywch! cyferch yn nghyd,
Y bore ganwyd
    Ceidwad mawr y byd;
  De'wch i ryfeddu y dirgelwch cu
  Fu'n destyn cân angylion
      oddi fry;
Hwynthwy ddechreu'sant seinio yn gytûn
Am Faban Mair,
    a Duw yn natur dyn.

Wrth y bugeiliaid
    d'wedai'r angel mwyn -
"Newyddion hyfryd o fawr werth
    'rwy'n ddwyn,
  Am ddyfod yr Iachawdwr mawr
       i'w gryd,
  'R hwn a fydd ichwi
       a chenhedloedd byd;
Dduw heddyw a gyflawnodd
    ich' ei air -
Mab y Goruchaf gaed
    ar liniau Mair.

Yn ninas Dafydd
    mae'r Gwaredydd cu,
R hwn a addawwyd
    trwy brophwydi lu,
  Y baban dwyfol
      yn y preseb gewch,
  Mewn gwael gadachau -
      tuag yno ewch."
'Nol d'wedyd hyn,
    tarawai'r nefol gôr,
Mewn newydd gainc,
    emynau mawl i'r IOR.

Gan byncio clod
    i fawr oludoedd gras,
Nes adsain trwy
    amgylchoedd awyr las;
  "Gogoniant yn y nefoedd
      boed i Dduw,
  "Ac ar y ddaear faith, tangnefedd gwiw."
I Bethlehem aeth
    y bugeiliaid cûn
I weled rhyfeddodau
    Duw at ddyn.
cyf. Emynau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883


Christians, hear! Greet together,
The morn the Saviour
    of the world was born;
  Come to wonder at the dear secret
  Which was the theme of the angels song
      from above;
They is was who began to sound together
About Mary's Baby,
    and God in the nature of man.

To the shepherds
    the comforting angel said -
"Delightful news of great worth
    I am bringing,
  About the coming of the great Saviour
      to the cradle,
  He shall be for you
      and the nations of the world;
God today has fulfilled
    for you his word -
The Son of the Highest
    found on Mary's knees.

In the city of David
    is the dear Deliverer,
He who was promised
    through a host of prophets,
  The divine baby
      in the manger you will find,
  In lowly cloths -
      towards there go!"
After saying this,
    the heavenly choir struck,
In a new strain,
    hymns of praise to the LORD.

Chanting acclaim
    to the great riches of grace,
Until resounding through
    the surrounings of the blue sky;
  "Glory in the heavens
      be to God,
  And on the vast earth, worthy peace."
To Bethlehem went
    the dear shepherds
To see the wonders
    of God to man.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
Christians awake, salute the happy morn
Whereon the Saviour
    of the world was born.
  Rise to adore the mystery of love
  Which hosts of angels chanted
      from above,
With them the joyful tidings first begun
Of God incarnate
    and the virgin’s son.

Then to the watchful shepherds
    it was told,
Who heard th'angelic herald's voice,
  I bring good tidings
      of a Saviour's birth
  To you and all the nations
      of the earth;
This day hath God fulfilled
    His promised Word;
This day is born a Saviour,
    Christ the Lord."

He spoke;
    and straightaway the celestial choir
In hymns of joy,
    unknown before, conspire;
  The praises of redeeming love
      they sang,
  And Heav'n's whole orb
      with alleluias rang.
God's highest glory
    was their anthem still,
Peace on the earth
    and unto men good will.

To Bethl'hem straight
    th'enlightened shepherds ran
To see the wonder
    God had wrought for man
  And found, with Joseph
      and the blessèd maid,
  Her son, the Saviour, in a manger laid;
Then to their flocks,
    still praising God, return,
And their glad hearts
    with holy rapture burn.
1745 John Byrom 1691-1763

Tunes []:
    Yorkshire (1750 John Wainwright 1723-68)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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