Gwahoddiad hael at orsedd Duw

(Gwahoddiad rydd yr Efengyl)
Gwahoddiad hael at orsedd Duw
  Gwiw heddyw a gyhoeddir;
Ysgatfydd, newydd da i ni,
  Y fory ni laferir.

Pob rhyw ragorfraint werthfawr lawn
  A ddylem iawn ddefnyddio;
A Duw a baro yn eu mysg
  I ddwyfol addysg lwyddo.

Na rodiwn ffordd y gelyn du
  Hwn sy'n anafu nifer;
Y ffordd i ochel uffern gâs
  Yw derbyn gras mewn amser.

Mae'r Iesu'n galw pawb i'w wledd
  I brofi hedd ei haeddiant;
A'r sawl a geisiodd yn ddigas
  Gan Iesu, gras a gawsant.

Cyn hir y gwelir llawer gwàn,
  Sy' aeldrist dan iseldrem;
Yn iach o'r rhwymau uwch yr haul,
  Grasolion ail Gaersalem.
ail :: ael

Mr D Thomas, Waunfawr, Arfon.
Corph y Gaingc 1810

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(The free invitation of the Gospel)
The generous invitation to the throne of God
  Is worthy today to be published;
Perhaps, good news for us,
  Tomorrow not to be spoken.

Every kind of valuable, full privilege
  We have a great duty to use;
And God cause amongst us
  Divine education to succeed.

Let us not walk the way of the black enemy
  He who is harming a number;
The way to avoid detestable hell
  Is to receive grace in time.

Jesus is calling all to his feast
  To experience the peace of his merit;
And those who seek him pleasantly
  From Jesus, grace they shall get.

Before long many weak are to be called,
  Who are of sad countenance being down-cast;
Whole from their bonds above the sun,
  The gracious ones of the second Jerusalem.
the second :: the ridge of

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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