Gwaith gruddfan sydd, gan bwys euogrwydd du, Gwaith ymladd llym, gan rym gelynol lu: Gwaith gwylio'n ddwys rhag pob dirgelaidd frad; Pwy ddwg fy maich mewn dyrys anial wlad? Mae'r gyfraith gref, mae'm pechod mawr ei bwys, Mae angau du i'm digaloni'n ddwys; Mae maglau'r llawr fel drygau mawr i mi; Ond, Iesu,'m rhan a'm tarian ydwyt ti. 'Does eisiau'n bod, nac ofn, na chlais, na chlwy', Ar f'enaid tlawd, heb fod gan Iesu fwy; Anfeidrol fwy o werth sydd yn ei waed; Os trengu wnaf, mi drengaf wrth ei draed.cyf. Thomas Jones 1756-1820 Tôn []: Guestwick (<1835) gwelir: 'Does eisiau'n bod nac ofn na chlais na chlwy' O Iesu gwiw gwyn fyd a brofo'th Ddawn |
A time of groaning the weight of black guilt has, A time of a sharp attack, the force of a hostile host has: A time of watching intently against every secret betrayal; Who will bear my burden in a troublesome desert land? The strong law is, my sin of a great weight is, Black death is intensely disheartening to me; The stumbling of the earth is like great evils to me; But, Jesus, my portion and my shield art thou. There is no need for there to be, either fear, or bruise, or wound, On my poor soul, without Jesus having more; Immeasurably more of value is in his blood; If I do die, I shall die at his 2015 Richard B Gillion |
Bernard of Clairvaux 1091-1153
Jesu the very thought is sweet!
Jesu thy mercies are untold
Jesus the very thought of thee
Jesus thou joy of loving hearts
O Hope of every contrite heart
Of him who did salvation bring |