Gwêl O fy enaid gwan

(Diben y Groes)
Gwêl, O! fy enaid gwan,
  Yr Iesu dan ei loes:
O'i fodd gogwyddodd Ef ei ben
  Ar arw bren y groes;
Er gollwng pawb a gred
  O bob caethiwed blin,
Fe ddioddefodd boenau llym,
  Heb haeddu dim ei Hun.

Mae digon yn yr Iawn
  I gyfiawnhau pob un;
Ni chollir neb o eisiau gwerth
  Yn aberth Mab y Dyn:
Mae'r drws o led y pen
  I'r nefoedd wen yn awr -
O! ddynion, dewch at Iesu'n llu,
  Cyn myn i'r cyfri' mawr.
Thomas Rees 1815-55

Tôn [MBD 6686D]: Dinbych (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)

(The Purpose of the Cross)
See, O my weak soul,
  Jesus under his anguish!
Voluntarily he bowed His head
  On the rough wood of the cross;
In order to release all who believe
  From every grievous captivity,
He suffered sharp pains,
  Without deserving any Himself.

There is sufficient in the Atonement
  To justify every one;
None is to be lost from lack of worth
  In the sacrifie of the Son of Man:
The door is open wide
  To the blessed heavens now -
O men, come to Jesus as a throng,
  Before going to the great accounting!
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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