Gwêl O gwêl ar feysydd Bethlem

Gwêl, O gwêl ar feysydd Bethlem
  Osgordd o angylion glân,
Gyda'r wawr yn llon ddychafu
  Odlau pêr y nefol gân;
    O lawenydd -
  Geni'r Iesu'n Geidwad dyn!

Yn ôl arfaeth fawr y bore,
  Daeth yr Iesu'n faban gwan,
Er dyrchafu gwael ddynoliaeth
  O'i hiselder dwfn i lan:
    Canwn iddo
  Mwyach am ein cofio ni.

Tyred di, O rasol Geidwad,
  Tyred i'n calonnau ni;
Gwna ein cyrff yn demlau sanctaidd,
  Teilwng rai ohonot ti;
    Trwy dy Ysbryd
  Trig yn ein serchiadau ni.
J Davies (Isfryn) 1861-1948

Tonau [878747]:
Bryntirion (A H T Lutteroth 1802-89)
St Nicholas (W Ellis 1868-1947)

See, O see on the fields of Bethlehem
  An escort of holy angels,
With the dawn cheerfully raising
  Pure verses of the heavenly song;
    O joy -
  The birth of Jesus as Saviour of man!

According to the great plan of the morning,
  Jesus came as a weak baby,
In order to raise base humanity
  Up from its deep depression:
    Let us sing to him
  Henceforth for remembering us.

Come thou, O gracious Saviour,
  Come to our hearts;
Make our bodies sacred temples,
  Ones worthy of thee;
    Through thy Spirit
  Dwell in our affections.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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