Gwêl y pechadur gwaethaf gaed

Gwêl y pechadur gwaethaf gaed
Yn meiddio nesu at dy draed,
Heb ddim o'i du
    ond rhin dy waed:
  O! Iesu, derbyn, derbyn fi.

Dôi publicanod, dan eu clwy',
A phechaduriaid fwy na mwy,
I'th geisio gynt, derbyniaist hwy:
  O! Iesu, derbyn, derbyn fi.

Myfi wyf euog, llesg a gwael,
Yn grwydryn llwm heb ddim i'w gael;
'R wyt ti'n gyfoethog ac yn hael:
  O! Iesu, derbyn, derbyn fi.

Ni cheisiaf mwy
    bleserau'r llawr,
Ond rhof fy hun i ti yn awr,
A phwysaf ar yr aberth mawr:
  O! Iesu, derbyn, derbyn fi.
John Hughes (Glanystwyth) 1842-1902

Tonau [8886/8888]:
    Isleworth (Samuel Howard 1710-82)
    Oll fel yr wyf (W B Bradbury 1816-68)

See the worst sinner there is
Daring to approach the feet of Jesus,
With nothing from his side
    but the merit of his blood:
  O Jesus, receive, receive thou me!

Publicans would come, under their disease,
And sinners most of all,
To seek thee formerly,
    thou didst receive them:
  O Jesus, receive, receive thou me!

As for me, I am guilty, weak and poor,
Wandering naked with nothing to get;
Thou art rich and generous:
  O Jesus, receive, receive thou me!

I will not seek the
    pleasures of earth any more,
But give myself to thee now,
And lean on the great sacrifice:
  O Jesus, receive, receive thou me!
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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